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From The Symbiotic Interaction Between Higher Vocational Education And Regional Economic Development

Posted on:2012-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330335980443Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis mainly focuses on the research of relationship between higher vocational education and regional economy. Based on the relationship of South Korea's vocational college and regional economy, the experience of vocational university's development in South Korea will provide useful reference for China.In July 2010, China issued a consulting paper: National Higher Vocational Education Development Plan (2011-2015). This consulting paper provided clear definition for the relationship of China's higher vocational education and regional economy development and a beautiful blueprint for China's higher vocational education. Since 1999 our higher vocational education has developed quickly. With the numbers of high vocational education increasing, people pay more attention to improving its internal quality. Not only in developed countries for example the USA,Germany and Japan but in new-industrialized countries, liking South Korea their experience of the development of higher vocational education verify that higher vocational education can realize its own sustainable development only by involving into the mutual development of regional economy.From the World War II to 1990s, one of the important pushes realizing high speed development of its economy and creating the so called"Han-gang Miracle"in the world is South Korea vocational college's development. The developments of vocational colleges show its mutual features with regional economy. Nowadays to the research of the relationship between higher vocational education and regional economy, we have less research on enhancing their mutual relationship by reference of national experience; also have narrower vision to this field. So this thesis hopes to absorb useful elements from the vocational colleges in South Korea and to provide valuable experience for China's better development of higher vocational education.This thesis is divided into six parts: Chapter 1 is the introduction. It provides the purpose,the benefit and the methods of this research. At the same time it also makes the related literature research and review. Chapter2 analyzes the theory foundation and practical basis of higher vocational education and regional economy's mutual development and summarizes their symbiotic and interactive relationship from other countries'experience. Chapter 3 mainly introduces vocational college's position and functions from its symbiotic and interactive angel with regional economy in South Korea to readers showing how vocational college developed with South Korea's economy from three stages. Chapter 4 and 5 are the core parts of this thesis. Firstly, with the background of regional economy development it will investigate the stimulating functions of regional economy development to the numbers increase and internal quality improvement of vocational college by providing detailed analysis to the case"Automotive bond in west Korea and Asia Auto College's development". Secondly, on the basis of vocational college development's background, Chapter 5 describes the contribution of vocational college for regional economy development from two aspects of making human resource supply and enhancing industry structure adjustment. It analyzes the enhancement of"Cheju Tourism College for Cheju Tourism sightseeing industry". Based on previous researches, Chapter 6 summarizes the mutual experience between South Korea vocational college and regional economy development and gives some suggestions for our higher vocational education's development from its symbiotic and interactive angel with regional economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Higher Vocational Education, Regional economy development, South Korea vocational college, Mutual development for better living
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