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A Study Of The Historical Materials In The History Textbook Of Senior High School

Posted on:2015-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330431499857Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Historical materials as an important learning resource, it is to be valued by the majority of history teachers with the deepening of new curriculum reform in high school in China and the concept of new curriculum strikes root in the hearts of the people gradually. Based on my observation during the educational probation and practice of history textbooks and found that there are many problems for the history textbooks cited historical materials. This paper attempts to use historical philology, historical science and the history teaching theory and knowledge to study historical materials about the Part of Jibu which is cited by history textbooks of senior middle school. There are four kinds of editions of high school history textbook, respectively is the People’s Education Press、People’s Publishing House、the Yuelu Publishing and the Elephant publishing houses. In this paper, I use historical materials about the Part of Jibu as a starting point, from the analysis of historical materials about the Part of Jibu in the four editions of high school history textbooks, trying to summarize the existing problems and propose solutions.Part one, introduces the evolvement of historical materials about the Part of Jibu and classification, and analyzes the current situation of the use of historical materials about the Part of Jibu in history textbooks. It delimits the scope of the discussion later, but also provides a basis for the related analysis and arguments.Part two, the major parts of this paper. Through the way of arrangement of the historical materials about the Part of Jibu which is cited by high school history textbook, to analyze and summarize the Problems of high school textbooks in the historical materials selection. Including the lack of historical materials on the number of choices, the monotone of selecting the types of historical materials, the Problem of norms of historical materials reference and so on.All of these are in order tolay the foundation for the solution later.Part three the conclusion of this paper. Giving the relevant solutions for the issues that was raised in the second parts to hope to play a reference and introspection role in the education reform of history.After the text with a material compiled by writer.The material is about the historical materials which from the four kinds of editions of high school history textbooks.
Keywords/Search Tags:history textbook, historical materials of JIBU, applicationstatus, relevant suggestions
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