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Design And Application Of Micro - Video Teaching Resources In Information Technology Of Junior Middle School

Posted on:2016-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330470485073Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of information technology in education,how to improve learning outcomes of learners and the instructor’s teaching effectiveness by modern educational technology, which has received more and more attention of experts in the field of education.The Information Technology in secondary schools is a very practical subject, the content of courses are more operational and practical.And the micro-video learning resource has the characteristics of short, small,refined and highly targeted,which can help learners to self-learning video content and repetitive learning,and can alleviate the conditions for the teacher in the teaching process, such as the differences in different students and repetitive teaching.This article is based on the real teaching situation of Junior IT education,using the questionnaire survey and interviews,analyzing the teaching content,teaching environment, student learning characteristics,teacher characteristics and so on,which has demonstrated the applicability and feasibility of Micro-video teaching resources applied to junior IT skills courses.Combined with the early analysis results,the research discussed the basic design idea and production processes of.The research based on the teaching practice of Information Technology in Grade One in Nanjing ZhongHua Middle School, design and product the micro-video learning resources including the integrated use of word documents.Through the presented of micro-video resources in the classroom,the research builds the implementation aspects of Micro Video Resources assisted IT Skills Course and put into teaching practice.Finally,through questionnaires and analysis of the work,the research analyzes the effects of micro-video resources assisted in IT skills courses,and preliminary summarizes some micro-video application strategy in junior high school IT teaching.The studies have shown that presents of micro-video resources, provide students more independent learning space, which can improve learning initiative of students;at the same time,it meets the needs of students in independent practice session,which can effectively improve the efficiency of teachers and student learning efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro-video resources, junior IT skills courses, assisted learning, application effects
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