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View And Language Knowledge Teaching Junior High School Knowledge Of Languages ​​under The New Curriculum To Explore

Posted on:2009-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360242994704Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In regards to the abuse of the Chinese lessons as well as the misunderstanding of Chinese lesson in the junior school in the process of the new course experiment, the article given a survey on the Chinese lesson in the junior school, in which we could find the dynamic knowledge gains theory applied to the new Chinese course teaching update the definition and reevaluate the value of the Chinese lessons teaching in junior school. The opinion stated that Chinese knowledge is the integrated part of the Chinese order to improve Chinese language teaching Scientifically and efficiently in junior school, it's a way to study the psychological mechanism and psychological needs of junior high school students ,exploit their talents,guide the students to discover voluntary,get the knowledge in dynamic. All of above could enhance the study of the Chinese accomplishment.The article comprise of four partsThe necessary in execute the new Chinese lessons in junior school. Based on the opinion of the specialists and scholar, the first part emphasize the necessary of the Chinese lessons, Chinese lessons teaching and especially to the Chinese lessons teaching in Junior school by the analysis in different ways. Specify that the new lesson in the junior school contains not only the Chinese, Literature, Listening, Speaking, reading and writing but also the way, the schedule to study. The teaching in the new lessons requests that the students should be more passive in strict way, to study in free way. Being teachers, they should gains the dynamic teaching opinion and treat the students as the main working object.The second part is junior high school language knowledge Analysis in new curriculum. This part is in regards to the 2001 version the "language curriculum standards," "knowledge and skills" in the objectives of the three-dimensional position of junior high school language knowledge on the new curriculum standards the requirements, the analysis on the standards of language knowledge and language ability under the new curriculum, and clearly defined under the new curriculum what is knowledge, how to get the knowledge, what kind of knowledge is most valuable ,a range of issues and perspectives.The third part is the subject of theoretical basis, which constructive learning theory, language ontology, offer a strong theoretical support.The fourth part is the focus of this article .it is focused on the goal content; strategy and the problems of teaching explore knowledge, of which the main principle, the principle of cooperation and dialogue principle and the effectiveness of the implementation is the compulsory principle to create the dynamic knowledge. Situational learning, speech practice timely processing operations and the attractive study is the key factor in the teaching strategies; People-oriented, ability-based learning methods change, innovation and education on the concept of knowledge and teaching plays a guiding role of command.
Keywords/Search Tags:new curriculum reform, junior school Chinese Teaching, Knowledge view, Dynamic study
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