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Reflection On China's Full-time Postgraduate Entrance System

Posted on:2009-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360272473284Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since postgraduate education is the curricula education at the highest level, the system for admitting MA/MS Candidates plays an important role in the system of training graduate students.Firstly, the paper reviews the historical evolution of the system for admitting MA/MS Candidates, analyzes the status quo of the existing admission system, and points out such problems as the cumbersome admission procedures, unscientific test contents, irrational timing, loopholes management of the autonomous examining subjects, gravely unbalanced distribution of candidates, and the inequity in the system of exclusive recruit examination and the system of examination-free recommendation.Secondly, the paper reveals that the aforementioned problems are explained by three paradoxes in the existing system of admitting MA/MS Candidates, namely, administrative recruitment and professional selection, the equality in recruiting and the efficiency in selecting, scholarship individuality and the convergence of scholarly achievements and practical profits.Finally, the paper provides a predication that the current system of admitting MA/MS candidates will unavoidably develop into selection system, through the analysis of the characteristics of the system of admitting MA/MS candidates in the advanced countries and in light of the realities in China. In addition, it gives the outlook on the trend of the realization of the system for selecting postgraduates. The selecting system, if made into a reality, shall undergo three stages, that is to say, the system for selecting graduates can be realized after the existing admission system is optimized and reformed, and pilot project of laying the same emphasis on general entrance examination system and selecting system.
Keywords/Search Tags:postgraduate student, entrance examination, reform, construct
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