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Study On The Responsibility The Government Assume In Maintaining Social Justice

Posted on:2012-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338455988Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social justice is the eternal pursuit for people, and it is also the important scale of the development of human civilization. In the past three decades of reform and opening up, Chinese society has made great achievements, but we have also realized the emerging crisis of social justice. As the largest public organizations of society,the government ought to uphold social justice both in theory and in reality.Therefore, our government's public administration,at this stage,must take social justice as their primary value of choice and assume the divine and difficult responsibility.This study mainly follow such a clue:Why the Government should assume the responsibility of maintaining social justice?What cause the government's dissatisfied perfomentce in the responsibility of maintaining social justice? How the government to better fulfill the responsibility of maintaining social justice?Therefore, in the first part,the paper describes the necessity of our government as a social justice promoter.from the two perspectives of theoretical basis and practical needs,and identify the relationship between social justice and government responsibility. The second part,it describes the current problems of social injustice, and so that it could reflect the lack of the government's dissatisfied performentce in the responsibility of maintaining social justice, and points out the reasons that our government fails to perform or not well perform in maintaining social justice, and make our government pay more attention to the responsibility of maintaining social justice. Finally, starting with summing up for the reasons that mentioned in the second part, basing on the the primary stage of socialism and the most practical, specific social background in our country, this paper tries to explore the route choice of the the fulfillment of social just responsibility by our government as the ultimate goal, hoping to provide some countermeasures academic suggestions to our government's preserving responsibility of social justice. It should be said, that there has always been difference in society, and absolute just society would be impossible. But for a long time, social justice has always been the eternal pursuit and good vision for people, and the government,is seen as the fulcrum of achieving this dream. Therefore, this article has highlighted the government's commitment to fulfill the responsibility of social justice, but it does not mean that we focus on the reality of social injustice from the perspective of the government, our more important purpose is,starting with the social injustice that reason from the government, to explore the route choice of the the fulfillment of social just responsibility by our government, commite to alleviate the status quo of social injustice, so that we could achieve a relatively just society.
Keywords/Search Tags:social justice, responsibility of government, route choice
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