CoPS(Complex product systems) in the industrial development in a strategic position, CoPS is a national independent innovation technological progress, economic development and social prosperity and development of an important symbol, however,the independent innovation of CoPS compared with developed countries there is great Gap. So for CoPS of enterprise capability of independent innovation and other dynamic adaptive evolution of power for China's enterprises CoPS innovation capacity, provide a theoretical framework to guide and referencere commendations, theoretical and practical significance.This article first innovation from the theory of evolution theory and the start of CoPS dynamic evolution of independent mechanisms for innovation; Secondly, the dynamic evolution of the ability of independent innovation mechanism, based on thetheoretical basis for discussion with the existing CoPS independent innovation of enterprises Ability of the dynamic evolution of the dynamic factors, including basic factors, internal motivation and external incentives for theanalysis and the formation of hypotheses; Finally, the typical case of enterprise surveyand on-site interviews with research, demonstration of complex product systemcapability of independent innovation Dynamic evolution of dynamic factors.In this paper, qualitative analysis, field research and theoretical research method of combining a study. In summing up and learn from the latest innovation of Chinese enterprises Achievements and CoPS Innovation on the basis ofsuccessful experiences for CoPS innovation of Chinese enterprisesthat exist in practice, so as to CoPS innovation capacity of the focuson China's enterprises CoPS capability of independent innovationincentive dynamic adaptive evolution, conditions, mechanisms, to conduct a comprehensive in-depth theoretical analysis, to explore the complexity of enterprisesystems capability of independent innovation products, the dynamic characteristics andlaws of evolution to adapt to CoPS development enterprise as a case, the Empirical analysis for Chinese enterprises to improve capacity for independent innovation CoPS provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance. |