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An Investigation Into The Characteristics And Long Sentence Translation Of Financialhes

Posted on:2014-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y DengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Special attentions should be devoted to the features of financial articles when we translate them. As in my case, the author reaches his conclusion by means of developing charts, citing statistics and giving examples, which are more convincing than just words. While in the aspect of linguistic characteristics, the article is mainly composed of long sentences, and it also employs financial terms frequently, which may lead to difficulties in translation. As a result, a correct understanding of the article, a good acquaintance with the terms, and a proper transfer between English and Chinese may pose challenges to translators, and therefore deserve our special attentions.
Keywords/Search Tags:features, financial terms, long sentences, translation
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