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Unconventional Emergencies Evolution And Holistic Governance Research

Posted on:2013-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374952070Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economic globalization, the normalization, theacceleration of urbanization and the economic and social double transformation, ourcountry enters a period in which the social contradictions are completed and newunconventional emergency occurred frequently. At the same time, China’s crisismanagement research and practice are also changing; crisis management researchexpands to public safety research gradually, from emergency management research tothe normal management research, from the strategic research to the applied research,from practice research to the basic research. Unconventional emergencies as thetypical representative of the new crisis events, set the uncertainty, Salience,transnational characteristics and coupling characteristics in one, compared with thetraditional emergencies, we haven’t had scientific cognition to the characteristics,evolution law and destructiveness of unconventional emergency yet, we also lack ofeffective means to deal with the unconventional emergency in the practice, thisproposes new requirements and challenges to emergency management theory andpractice. In this context, the study of the evolution law of unconventional events,upgrading our emergency management level purposeful, maintaining social systemoperation effectively, will become a significant and urgent strategic issue which ourgovernment and other social governance subjects face together.This paper is written under the guidance of the theories of political science,administration management, sociology etc, using literature research, comparativestudy research and so on. The paper focuses on the evolution laws and the integritymanagement research of unconventional emergency from the perspective of risksociety, firstly a definition of unconventional emergency is made on the basis ofsummary and reference of the unconventional emergency abroad, it is believed thatthe unconventional emergency refers to the emergency state of social managementwhen the emergency management subjects face the social order, social property, masspsychology and basic civil rights and values are highly threatened in the uncertain andcomplex crisis situation, they can’t cognize or lack of effective management way inthe original conventional management and need to solve the occurrence anddevelopment trend of unconventional emergency timely, to reshape the balance of the social system. Then, on the basis of the comparative study of advantages anddisadvantages of the two methods of analysis, which are the life cycle analysis andscenario planning analysis, puts forward and constructs the fuzzy situation evolutionmodel of unconventional emergency. Next, the challenges of emergency managers ofthe unconventional emergency are analyzed from seven aspects such as in traditionalemergency theory hypothesis, dealing with high uncertainties, the government as themain emergency management network failure, high pressure and high constraintdecision scene, cross-border cooperation, public organization legitimacy andemergency managers dynamic capabilities. Finally, according to the seven challengeswhich the emergency managers face, the unconventional emergency integritymanagement mode is proposed to cope with, eight pieces of management advice areproposed, they are the new theory premise and the assumption, constructing thesystem framework of unconventional emergency integrity management modes, settingup the emergency management principle of unconventional emergency integritymanagement modes, constructing unconventional emergency management network,strengthening the decision theory research of the unconventional emergency decision,remodeling the regional public management mechanism and mode of unconventionalemergency, remolding public organization legitimacy and implementing the dynamicability construction of multiple management network in the way of "creativedestruction".
Keywords/Search Tags:unconventional emergency, emergency management, evolutionlaw, integrity management model
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