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The Research Of Extended Producer Responsibility

Posted on:2013-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of the system of extended producer responsibility (EPR) was firstdefined by environmental economist Thomas Lindquist in Sweden.It is a newenvironmental protection regime which aims to eliminate environmental impact ofwaste products. The producer is required to take responsibility for the entire productlife cycle, life cycle, especially the responsibility of waste management. This systemurge the producer take measures such as clean production and green design to preventpollution in advance. Also it is helpful to improve resource utilization rate.As an important system to develop circular economy, the system of extendedproducer responsibility makes the responsibility of the producer extend to entire lifecycle of the products, especially the stage of recycling and disposal. Establishing andperfecting the system of extended producer responsibility on the basis of sometheoretical basis are very important to ensure the recycling and disposal and re-use ofresources in China and to construct the economical society and environment-friendlysociety.This paper first introduces the successful experience of the foreign countries andcombines with the actual situation of our country.Secondly,with the hope ofproviding beneficial references for legislation and practices of our country,at the endof this paper,it provides some feasible measures on the extension of the system ofEPR in our country.This thesis is divided into four parts concerning with the system of extendedproducer responsibility (EPR).The first part explains the basic connotation of the extended producerresponsibility comprehensively and deeply. The writer analyzes the theoreticalfoundation of the extended producer responsibility system from four part: theconnotation of system of extended producer responsibility, theory of the environmentalrights, product life cycle theory and the theory of corporate social responsibility.The second part of the article is about the legal relationship system of EPR on the basis of comparison,and focusing on the subject of liabilities system and thecontent of responsibility.The third part introduce the legal system and the experience of practice in foreigncountry.Through introducing their successful experience, we can summary theimportant inspiration to our country.The last part of the thesis mainly concern about my advice to buildup the systemof the EPR on the basis of the conclusion above and the situation in our country inseven aspects. Including perfecting the legislation, establishing recycling system,perfecting the deposit system, perfecting incentive mechanism, strengthening publicawareness and promoting industrial park construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waste Products Problems, Producer, Extended Responsibility, Legal Regime
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