Building a harmonious society lies in the harmony of public governance. Rural socialdisharmony at this stage, from the governance point of view, the main functions of thetownship level is offside and the dislocation above. Attention to the organization ofproduction and administration, without attention to social services function can not meet therequirements of building a harmonious rural society.The focus of a harmonious socialist society at the grassroots level and the basis is thecountryside. In recent years, often rural mass incidents not only affect the social stability inrural areas, to a certain extent, the socio-economic development has also brought negativeeffects. The rural mass incidents has become the prominent problems affecting social harmony.The reason of these events is complex and multifaceted. But from the perspective ofgovernance, local government, especially township level of government neglect or incorrectto fulfill their social responsibility in public administration is an important incentive.Therefore, the long-standing emphasis on production and administrative organization, neglectof public services and social management, functions of township governments have beenunable to meet the requirements of building a harmonious society in rural areas.As the most grass-roots political organization, the township government directly face torural communities. Township government is the bridge between the government and thepeople, is the implementation of various preferential agricultural policies and the operator.Her level and effectiveness of public governance directly affect the construction ofharmonious society in rural areas. Therefore, adjusting the functions of township governments,grass-roots efforts to build service-oriented government and to promote social harmony inrural areas is very urgent. |