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Distributive Justice:the Core Ethical Value Of Social Security

Posted on:2014-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social Security is a system with deep ethical implications, so we analysis it fromethical point. The moral basis and ethical idea which involved is the direction and targetto establish and develop the social security system.The social security is a system arrangement of resources reallocation which isaimed to maintain the basic life of social member and to guarantee their basic rights.This system has the economic value of promoting economic growth and the politicalvalue of maintaining social stability. Social security not only includes instrumentalrationality with economic value and political value, but includes ethical value withmutual assistance, humanistic care and justice. Social security ethics implies morallegitimacy that the state and society ensure human’s basic life and promote people’swell being. Based on that, this paper takes the human rights as the logical starting pointof social security ethics.Social security ethics concept originates from mercy, but it has limitations ofignoring human dignity and rights and was gradually replaced by justice with “deserve”and “legislation”. Justice is so important in modern society that it becomes the ethicalgoal of social security. Distributive justice is an ethical concept that social systemshould obey. Distributive justice and social security act on each other, so we regarddistributive justice as the core ethical value of social security. Analyzing the theory of social security ethics is to guide the construction of socialsecurity in China. In order to establish proper, reasonable social security system, Chinashould pay attention to the following aspects:establishing the social security systemwith comprehensive, fair and justice; strengthening the social security administrationethics construction from the system and executive staff; building the national sharing ofsocial security system under the guidance of distributive justice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social security, Social Security Ethics, Ethical Value, Distributive Justice
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