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The Village Committee Multiple Role Research Under The Villager Self-administration System Background

Posted on:2014-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395993778Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“The organic law of village committee (trial)” issued in1987has been more than20years, this is a unique Chinese characteristics political initiative.Theimplementation of the system has brought the traditional rural a huge change, madethe farmer’s democratic consciousness recovery, provided a new development ideafor the backward rural. With the continuous development of market economy, ruralsociety has become increasingly diverse, The villagers autonomy which under thetraditional single-center governance mode is facing a huge challenge. The villagerscommittee should be villagers “head” according to the principle of “the organic lawof village committee” that "democratic election, democratic decision-making,democratic supervision, democratic management", but, it rendering the phenomenonof character variable and power alienation.These problems are seriously constrainedthe healthy development of villagers’ autonomy, Influencing the construction of ruraldemocracy at the grassroots level.So, many areas have tried some new governance mode, such as "Two votes"mode,"a system three change" mode," A shoulder responsibility " mode,"qingcounty" mode,"Possessing" mode……these modes have been copied throughout thecountry, making some positive results, however, cannot hide its negative effects.According to the analysis for four kinds of typical pattern, we can see that many ruralgovernance structure is not reasonable, and lack a mechanism that embodying theleadership of the party, ensuring that farmers are masters of the country and thefunctions of the village committee can carry out smoothly. The conflicts amongGrass-roots government, village "two committees", the common villagers havethreatened to the rural social stability and economic boom.In this paper, based on a town called A in the north of Jilin province which is completely rely on agricultural. Through the survey, we find the village committee isso tired to play the" quasi-agent", the "Zero-sum game "and the" marginal headed".Itincluding the four main factors:Fist, the “pressure type administrative system”actually caused the vast majority of basic-level government responsible for the higherlevel,and mobilize all resources to accomplish the indicators or tasks, however, thereis no time to take care of the public utilities, public products and public service.Second, the village committee and village party branch have been assigned to thedifferent power sources, unclear responsibility permissions and triggering the village"two committees" contradictions by the incomprehensive laws and regulations.Third,due to the shrinking economic income, the village committee face the shortage offunctions and greatly weakened dependent from the villagers,thus become the“marginal headed”. Forth, the limited of village cadres’ quality and ability, and theordinary villagers’"free-rider" mentality, influence the village committee exertionthe governance function. To solve the trouble of the village committee’ multiple roles,this paper aim at the” single-center governance mode” which is the key "stressor",introduction of polycentric governance mode, build basic-level government-ruralcivil organizations-the elite within system, the elite outside system, the commonvillagers in "multiple power-sharing system” institutional arrangement, Put eachbehavior main body in governance network, equal dialogue and mutual consultation.Break in the traditional sense that closely longitudinal power chain, eliminate thebasis of pressure type administrative system, expand space for the village committeefunctions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers’ autonomy, Village committee, The role, Polycentric governance
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