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The Study On The Develepment Of Incremental Democracy In Urban Fringe Communities

Posted on:2014-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330398974539Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main point of Chinese democratic development is how the grassroots democracy be implemented effectively. To improve the system of grass-roots democracy is an important part of the Eighteenth National People’s Congress on the reform of the political system. Grassroots democracy is an important breakthrough for Chinese democratic political construction, and the appearance of urban fringe communities is the product of the urbanization process in China. The political construction of this community related to Chinese urbanization, social stability and the building of a harmonious socialist society.From Yu Keping’s incremental democracy theory, surveying the grassroots democracy development status of Suburban Areas of Community:GuBo Community, this easy in-depth analyzes of the stock, increment, and the Reconstruction core of the Village Community incremental democratic change. I believe that, in the democratic development of community, the core problem is around land transfer of property rights in the urban village which causes the distribution of benefits. Around this problem, the incremental democracy development of GuBo Community is transiting from organizing the the collective economic to serving local residents based on the future land acquisition of GuBo, to establish a sound social service system. At the same time, to protect the broad participation and autonomy of residents in community affairs, community gradually establishes and improves a system which looks "residents participate" as the core. Finally, to construct a political, economic, cultural, society, moral to a Social community, seriously implements the "four democracy", improves the ability of the autonomy of the community residents in practice and achieves "four selves" in GuBo Community.There is a gradual process in the democratic reform and practice of GuBo community. Under the leadership of party organizations in the community, GuBo lets the inner-party democracy driving the democratic of community, through the participation of the local residents to protect that people are the masters and manages the community according to law. The leadership of the party, democracy and the rule of law are unified in democracy continued, gradual reform and construction of GuBo Community, and create an effective progressive development road for GuBo political reform.The incremental development of democracy of GuBo Community put forwards a new direction and a new way of thinking for the development of Chinese urbanization process and urban-rural grass-roots democracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incremental democracy, Reform, Land, Interests
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