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Research On The Transformation Of Talent Training Of The School Of Education In Normal University

Posted on:2013-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371470210Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The basis of the progress of human society in education, thekey to development and improve the quality of education inteachers. Normal University as the main base to train futureteachers, has the responsibility and obligation to do a good job ofteacher education. With the gradual deepening of the reform ofteacher education, teacher education is gradually showing a newtrend of development of the universitisation, specialization,integration, lifelong. Traditional, closed by a single teacherinstitutions train teachers in the orientation of teacher educationpattern is broken, comprehensive university has been involved inthe training of teachers, teacher education system is graduallymoving from a closed to open. In this era, the traditional normaluniversity have began conducting strategic change to acomprehensive universities direction, we can say that the universitisation of teacher education has become the global trendof the current teachers education reform. And the key to theNormal University turnaround is to reduce the focus of teachereducation, making science education separate from the teachereducation,and making teacher education institute of educationcome true, and making professional college trained specializationteachers. As a result, normal institute of education in transition hasbecome the focus of the Normal University in transition, and thetransformation of talent training is a top priority.Universitisation of teacher education of perspective andanalysis on the current situation in China Normal Universitypersonnel training and training were compared, and the Institute ofEducation personnel with foreign universities, to discoverinadequacies, on this basis China Normal University thetransformation of the Institute of Education personnel trainingtargeted countermeasures and suggestions.This article is divided into six parts:Part Ⅰ: Introduction. This part take an explanation of thisresearch background, research and research ideas, includingproblem definition, literature review, research, significance ofresearch and research methods.Part Ⅱ: Theories of universitisation of teacher education. This part are outlined the background of the universitisation of teachereducation and the basic idea of universitisation of teachereducation to understand the basic content of universitisation ofteacher education, provides a theoretical perspective to the paper.Part Ⅲ: Universitisation of teacher education and theDevelopment and transformation of Normal University. NormalUniversity facing the dual challenges from the external and internalin the context of universitisation of teacher education, whichprompted Normal University must make the transformation, the keypoint is the transformation of the Institute of Education, thetransformation of Institute of Education take new requirements fortalent cultivate.Part Ⅳ: Institute of Education of China Normal Universitypersonnel training Survey. We take an analysis respectively of theseven aspects through questionnaires and interviews,which is thenature and status of the Normal University in China, personneltraining need for reform of, personnel training objectives, personneltraining level, teaching institutions, professional and curriculum,faculty distribution. These pointed out that China Normal Universityexist some problems, such as the narrow targeting of the personnel,the lower level personnel training, profession and curriculum brakeaway from the Basic Education, teaching institutions setting and teacher distribution incoordinated.Part Ⅴ: Foreign university institute of education of a state andits affordances. We take an analysis and comparation of educationpersonnel training among the United States, Britaind and Australia,and provide examples to the personnel training of the China NormalUniversity.Part Ⅵ: Adjustment of my normal university institute ofeducation personnel training strategy. This section in theuniversitisation of teacher education background, the five aspectsto provide personnel training for the Normal Institute of Educationto adjust its strategy, namely,①improving the overall status of theInstitute of Education,②adjusting the training objectives of theInstitute of Education,③enhancing the Institute of Educationpersonnel training level.④adjusting the professional andcurriculum according to the different teach stages and differentdisciplines,⑤adjusting the teacher staff of the teacher educationreasonable, thus achieving the requirements of the teachereducation professional.
Keywords/Search Tags:Normal University, Institute of Education, Teacher Education, Personnel training, universitisation of teacher education
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