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Of Autonomous Learning In Middle School Mathematics Research

Posted on:2013-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371475667Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the Basic Education Curriculum Reform in China, Autonomous learning is advocated especially, study cases across the country are coming into being. This paper lists some problems in existing study cases, accesses to related literature about cases of mathematics, defines related concepts, combs related theories, uses docu--mentary research methods, text analysis methods, interview methods, to explore principles of reasonable establishment about autonomous study cases of mathematics in junior and senior high school, and at last this paper shows a case which according to these principles as a reference.The research purpose of this paper is to explore reasonable autonomous study cases of mathematics in junior and senior high school. On the one hand, this paper contributes to implement autonomous learning capacity-building, on the other hand, causes for concern of autonomy among students.This research includes six main chapters:Chapter I describes related literature classifiably for finding problems, defines related concepts and combs related theories for providing theoretical background.Chapter II analyzes six cases from five junior or senior schools, includes respective analysis and classifiable analysis. This chapter is one of the main ports. In the respective analysis, this paper analyzes every structure, and put forwards optimal proposals. In the classifiable analysis, this paper classifies54cases to six types, gives every classify standards, and specific examples.Chapter III analyzes the interview of five teachers, including teachers who write cases and teachers who don’t. This chapter is the second main port. The purpose of interview is to investigate the matters during established, to know case-teaching, to listen and analyze the influence for students and teachers, to eliminate misunderstand--ing of autonomous cases.Chapter IV inducts some principles of reasonable establishment about autonomo--us study cases of mathematics in junior and senior high school, including learning targets, learning content, learning assessment, learning expanding. This chapter shows the research conclusions in the basis of chapter II and III.Chapter V shows a case which selected from senior school named Expansion of Number System and Concept of Plural as reference, including pre-class, class, after-class.Chapter VI describes the relation of case and book, teaching plans, workbook, the relation of case’s common and case’s personality.This paper aim to explore principles of establishment about autonomous study cases of mathematics in junior and senior high school, realize more reasonable autonomous teaching and learning through analysis of literature, text, interview.
Keywords/Search Tags:autonomous case, autonomous learning ability, analysis, established, principles
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