Under the guidance of the autonomous learning theory, and autonomous teachingmodel, this paper aims to discover the factors affecting the students’ autonomouslearning in Grade one in rural senior high schools, on the basis of which someeffective measures are proposed in order to develop the students’ ability ofautonomous learning in rural high school. The author has made classroom experimentwith the autonomous learning theory. In the process of classroom English teaching,the teacher helps the students apply appropriate learning strategies and take an activepart in English study so as to train them to become real autonomous learners.The paper first defines autonomous learning theory and summarizes the featuresof autonomous learners, analyses the characteristics of autonomous classroomteaching and follow the principles advocated by autonomous teaching model, on thebases of which, the author uses the autonomous learning model——Learning-planGuiding in order to promote the students’ autonomous learning and develop theirautonomous learning ability. Learning-plan follows five principles: one class onelearning-plan, opening principle, question form, interest and delight and closeconnection with life. When a learning-plan is designed, more attention will be paid tostudents’ factors in order to arouse their learning motivation, strengthen Sense ofSelf-efficacy, make correct use of Tendency of Returning to Reasons and learningstrategies and form good learning habits.The students in two parallel classes in Grade1take part in the experiment. Theyhave the same English level. The learning materials are the textbooks of Student’sBook1, Book2Book3and Book4of Senior English for China published by thePeople’s Education Press. According to autonomous learning theory, the author usesquestionnaires, teaching tests, classroom experiment and interview to discover and getrid of the bad facts on autonomous learning, collect and use positive facts so that theyserve autonomous teaching——Learning-plan Guiding in order to cultivate thestudents’ motivation, arouse their learning interests, and help them form good learninghabits, polish up learning strategies and foster the ability of autonomous learning.Therefore, in the classroom teaching, the author try to create a relaxing democraticand harmonious classroom atmosphere, arouse interest to motivate autonomouslearning, optimize autonomous strategies, advocate the combination of cooperativelearning and autonomous learning and develop students’ ability of reflection andself-assessment. By doing these, students become the owners of classroom learning,which gives an guarantee to students-center and improves the students’ autonomouslearning abilities. After the teaching experiment, through the comparisons between thepre-tests and the post-tests between the experimental class and control class, it isproved that autonomous learning model is very helpful to enhance the students’autonomous learning ability. |