With the arrival of information age, People need more and more knowledge to adaptto the social development, but because of the limitation of time, space, energy, peoplemore thirst for Master the knowledge as a skill for a long time. So, autonomous learningis known as one of the core problems in the current quality education research. Throughthe survey,We found that the development level of autonomous learning is low in highschool generally, especially because of the characteristics of subject, such as high schoolmathematics knowledge is more abstract, symbolic, logical and so all, Which makes thestudents’ performance in math learning has much problems,This research study someproblems of autonomous learning, Which aimed at high school mathematics learningprocess, and gives some strategies for reference, I hope that will help high schoolstudents to enhance the motivation of mathematics learning, and teach them the specificmethod of training autonomous learning ability.This paper introduces the research status about autonomous learning at home andabroad, on the basis of the autonomous learning background and significance, We bringin the theory knowledge of autonomous learning and the mathematics autonomouslearning. Further, we illustrate the necessity of cultivating the ability of high schoolstudents’ autonomous learning, from the education reform, the characteristic ofmathematics. Now that, the cultivation of autonomous learning ability is an unstoppabletrend, so how do we start training? Some strategies be given at this paper, on the onehand, using case teaching mode, namely classroom training. On the other hand, usingmultimedia technology to develop the students’ ability of autonomous learning.Whetherthis way is feasible or not, is there any effect? We conducted the experimental results andthe corresponding improvement measures are given. By investigating and analyzing the way of the mathematics teaching of high schoolteachers and students’ mathematics learning, combination of the relevant education theory.We explore ways to improve teachers’ teaching, seeking some methods to autonomousteaching. At the same time, combining with the actual situation, we come up with thestrategy of cultivating high school students’ autonomous learning ability. Finally,achieving the purpose of developing high school students’ mathematics autonomouslearning. |