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Correlations Between Motivational Variables From Se1f-Determination Theory And Dispositional Plow In Sports

Posted on:2013-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377961205Subject:Application (motion) psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In line with the development of positive psychology and based on the frontiers of sportpsychology, this research aims at examining the relationships between dispositional flow andthe motivational variables from self-determination theory to further previous research on flow.Study1was the modification and development of the measurements concerning motivationalvariables tested in Study2. Results show that the adapted Chinese version of Sport MotivationScale and the newly developed Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Questionnaire demonstrateadequate reliability and validity so as to be used as the measurements of the motivationalvariables tested in Study2. Study2tested the relationships between different types ofmotivation and dispositional flow as well as relationships between the satisfaction of threebasic needs and dispositional flow in the perspective of self-determination theory.Correlational and multivariate analyses including bivariate correlations, canonical correlationsand regressions were conducted to examine the relationships. Results show that theself-determined forms of motivation (three intrinsic motivations and identified regulation) aresignificantly and positively related to dispositional flow, with the correlations betweenintrinsic motivations and dispositional flow highest; introjected regulation and externalregulation which are non-self-determined forms of extrinsic motivation were alsosignificantly and positively related to dispositional flow whereas amotivation was negativelyrelated to dispositional flow; three basic needs satisfaction(the need for competence,relatedness and autonomy) showed a positive and significant relationship with dispositional aswell; The canonical correlation analyses showed that the motivational variables representedby the intrinsic motivation to know, intrinsic motivation to accomplishment, intrinsicmotivation to experience and external regulation can interpret the dispositional flow variablesrepresented by auto telic experience, challenge-skills balance, total concentration on the taskat hand, unambiguous feedback and sense of control; all of the three basic need satisfactioncan interpret the sense of control, total concentration on the task at hand, challenge-skillsbalance, clear goals, unambiguous feedback, auto telic experience and loss ofself-consciousness which were representation of the global dispositional; intrinsic motivationto accomplishment, intrinsic motivation to experience and external regulation combined canexplain36%of the variance in global dispositional flow; the need satisfaction of competence,relatedness and autonomy combined explain42%variance in total dispositional flow.Suggestions were given concerning the further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dispositional flow, sport motivation, Basic psychological needs, Self-determination theory
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