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Observation And Analyze Of Full Time System Junior Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials In Korea

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398955651Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education of Chinese in Korea began quite early and achieved considerably good level of development. Should we only consider junior middle school educ ation, we should point out that it has history20years long in Korea. Because of the changes in curriculum we have to distinguish three stages in education of Chinese,20different teaching materials have been used. This thesis is base d on full time system junior middle school Chinese teaching materials.Based on summary of relevant documents, we adopted methods of comparison, analyze, survey by questionnaire, interview and so on and applied them on di fferent materials used for the three different education stages to perform an ov erall comparative study. Through inspection and analyze of teaching materials o f the three stages we will search for issues in junior middle school teaching m aterials as well as come up with solutions to these issues. This thesis is comp osed of four parts, the first part is foreword, where we will focus on the resea rch that has been done in this area up untill now, we will also make clear wh at our goals are. In the second part we will study junior middle school Chines e teaching materials that were used in the three stages mentioned above and th rough comparison we will try to find out what their respective pros andcons ar e. In the third part we will try to find other problems in teaching materials by questioning junior middle school students and teachers of Chinese. In the fourt h part we present measures in the area of compilation and usage of teaching materials that deal with some of the known problems.Research makes it clear that there are issues in areas of article selection, arrangement of grammar and vocabulary explanations and exercise design as well as in other areas of junior high school Chinese teaching materials in Kore a.This thesis provides the following suggestions to the teaching materials:T he content should be rich. There shoud be a link between the language that th estudents are learning and their daily lives. Students should not be put under u nnecessary strain by excessive vocabulary. Explanation of grammar should be s imple and easy to understand. Information about culture should be correct and should reflect the actual state of chinese society, but at the same time students’ interests should also be considered. Excercises should not only be closely relat ed to articles, but should help students revise majority of the knowledge contai ned in the articles.This thesis also contains suggestions in terms of usage and selection of te aching materials as well as their flexible use.
Keywords/Search Tags:korean junior middle school, Chinese teaching materials, analyze, compilation of teaching materials, usage ofteaching materials, suggestions
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