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Research On Strategy Of Cultivating Normal School Students’ Educational Technology Ability

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The main purpose of this research is to find out the current situation of normalschool students’ educational technology ability, to find the existing problems, to analyzethe causes of these problems, and to put forward the optimization strategy of normalschool students’ educational technology ability.The project is one topic of the Shandong provincial teaching reform project "normalschool students’ educational technology ability training model innovation research". Inorder to understand the status of normal school students’ educational technology ability,the author carried out a questionnaire survey in Shandong Normal University. The namesare survey of the public course of modern education technology (teacher roll) and thepublic course of modern education technology status questionnaire (students).Thequestionnaires includes four parts. They are the basic situation, the basic situation of thepublic course of modern education technology, the public courses and the course ofmodern education technology on student attitudes and open problems. Normal schoolstudents’ educational technology ability present situation investigation questionnaireincludes the awareness and attitudes, knowledge and skills, application and innovation,social responsibility, self evaluation of the five categories of questions. The surveyresults show that, the educational technology training of normal university students stillexist many problems, which affect our future teachers’ quality to a large extent. Thisresearch was carried out in this order:Firstly, we mastered the present situation ofmodern educational technology ability of the normal school students by the early survey,and then we put forward some training strategies in order to cultivate the status fornormal school students’ educational technology ability.From the Results of the questionnaire survey and the interview, we know thatnormal education technical ability training mainly exists the following problems:1. The plan of the common course "modern education technology" is uniform andlack of pertinence; 2. Because of the lack of the class times, the knowledge and skills which studentscan grasp are relatively limited;3. The educational technology and ability training resources in normal universitiesare in short of supply;4. In normal universities, the educational technology literacy of the research team ispoor in educational technology and ability training;5. Education technology teachers have no chance to raise their ability due to theweakness of the internship practice;6. The atmosphere of education technology applications are seriously lack;7. The teaching mode of common course "modern education technology" is singleand teaching method is limited;8. The evaluation way of common course "modern education technology" is alsosingle.According to the results of the survey and interview survey combined with literatureresearch results, the author puts forward the optimization strategies of normal schoolstudents’ educational technology ability:1. The college students’ educational technology ability training mode should beimproved and a new curriculum system should be constructed;2. The amount of educational technology ability training classes should be increasedin normal schools;3. The higher-quality teaching resources should be found;4. The ability of the research team in normal school students’ educational technologyability should be improved;5. The training chances for the normal students to practice educational technologyability should be increased;6. We should construct a better Internet information environment;7. We should make the teaching ideas and the teaching method innovative;8. We should optimize the evaluation methods of "modern educational technology"course.
Keywords/Search Tags:normal students, educational technology ability, the public course ofmodern education technology
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