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Study On The Social Constraints Of The Balanced Development Of Basic Education In The County

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398982561Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Educational equity is an enduring topic, and it keeps circling in the arena of academia. Different historical periods and social backgrounds bestow on it different connotations. With the advancement of the times and changes of the society, balanced development of basic education emerges as a new topic while people make relentless effort in the pursuit of equal education right. Ensuring balanced development of basic education makes educational equality and individual all-round development possible. It is also vital to an improvement of people’s livelihood and promotion of the harmonious development of society. However, the geographical environment and the vast gap between the economic and social development pose great difficulties to the implementation of balanced development of basic education nationwide. County, as a smaller administrative division within the natural geographical environment and its economic and social development level being relatively similar, and county-oriented education management system, which turns the county into a relatively independent area for education program, inevitably make it number one choice to promote balanced development of basic education within a county first. However the balanced development of basic education in the County is confronted with difficulties. Judging from the manifestations, county of basic education development is unbalanced both between urban and rural areas and between school and community. To be more specific, in the development of basic education in the County exist problems of unequal distribution of educational resources and educational outcomes of non-balanced development, such as education funding, school infrastructures, teaching equipments and teachers.Facing the predicament of balanced development of basic education in the County, we need to rethink what causes non-balanced development and restricts the execution of the current policy of balanced development in basic education. There is indeed something wrong about education, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Its root is often behind the existence of complex social problems. Actually, education is one of social activities to cultivate people. It is always in society and it can not exist separately from society. As special social activities, the development of education is restricted by social reality factors. It’s the same situation in balanced development of basic education. Factors that influence the balanced development of County’s foundation education are various, among which social factor is the most fundamental. Influence of social factors on the balanced development of basic education in the County is not abstract but real and concrete. Its influence is mainly reflected in five aspects:differences in economic development, social policy, culture, demographic and natural geographic environment. The differences of social factors lead to the diversity of education resource allocation, school’s educational costs and educational needs of individual differences. And further they affect the result of the development of education that led to the foundation education unbalanced development of the County. According to this, development of basic education in counties should:follow the principle of coexistence so as to realize that education and social development in harmony; follow the principle of justice; and compensate the socially vulnerable groups in order to guarantee the individual’s right to equal access to education. Guided by the principles of coexistence and justice, to explore the characteristics of education development and the connotation development is the inevitable choice for promoting the balanced development of basic education in the County.
Keywords/Search Tags:Balanced Development of Basic Education in the County Town, Social Constraints, The Way of Production and Living, Educational Needs
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