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The Impact Of Top Management Team On Stratigic Ambidexterity

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374983362Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an emerging country, Chinese economy is undergoing a new period of development. The allocation of important and scarce resources is still controlled by the government, and China is gradually integrating into the international market, the economic globalization has impact on Chinese economy. As a result, the Chinese organizations are facing a complex and changeable environment. How to survive in the complex and dynamic environment? The organizations have to fully exploit the current competitive advantage and to explore to adapt to future changes in environment. Therefore, organizations are inquired to have the ability of ambidexterity. As key members of organizations, TMT members play an important role in strategic ambidexterity.Base on the research of relevant literatures, this paper supposed a conceptual model between TMT and strategic ambidexterity. This paper identified behavioral integration, social capital and golden-mean thinking of TMT. By the questionnaire and empirical analysis, the paper draws some conclusions as follows:a) The TMT behavioral integration, social capital and golden-mean thinking have positive effects on strategic ambidexterity.b) Environmental dynamism positively moderates the relationship between TMT behavioral integration and strategic ambidexterity, and the relationship between TMT golden-mean thinking and strategic ambidexterity.c) Environmental complexity negatively moderates the relationship between TMT behavioral integration and strategic ambidexterity, and the relationship between TMT golden-mean thinking and strategic ambidexterity.The main contributions of this paper are that we extend the ambidexterity to strategic areas, and we explore the Chinese Tats’impact on strategic ambidexterity, which is different from the Western context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Top Management Team, TMT Behavioral Integration, TMT SocialCapital, Golden-mean Thinking, Strategic Ambidexterity
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