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In3Generation Research On The Mobile Payment Based On Business Ecosystem

Posted on:2013-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395482497Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the outbreak of the mobile Internet based on3G and the rapidly growing popularity of mobile intelligent terminal, China’s mobile commerce applications ushered in the golden stage of development. Mobile commerce can not be a lack of the payment. As supporting the key link in the development of mobile commerce, mobile payment will become the most popular mobile commerce application. With mobile payment technology constantly improving, there will be more and more mobile payment solutions to enrich mobile payment and greatly improve the user’s payment experience.The mobile payment brings the economic benefit and the brand benefit for every mobile payment industry attendants. So, the mobile payment is bound to have an even broader prospect for development. Foreign mobile payment has initially formed a relatively mature industry chain and has a good momentum of development, especially in Europe, Japan and Korea. Compared to foreign, China’s mobile payment has not initially formed a relatively mature industry chain. Thus it has resulted in that China’s mobile payment is developing slowly. A development prospect of the mobile payment is undoubted because of China’s huge number of mobile subscribers and bank card user. Because the mobile payment is restricted by payment habits, payment security, the credit system, the business model and the supporting regulations, China’s parties of mobile payment industrial chain can not find an effective solution to the problem of the distribution of benefits. Therefore, how to solve the problems is the most important issue in the field of mobile payments.This paper analyses mobile payment using related theory of business ecosystem. In the process of research, this article mainly used literature collection, empirical analysis, case analysis study method. This paper is divided into six sections. First is introduction which puts forward research background, meaning, ideas and innovation point and so on. Second is the basic theory of business ecosystem and mobile payment. The third section analyzed and studied the current situation of China’s mobile payment and users’ perceived value, attitude and behavior intention. And then this section builds the users’ acceptability on mobile payment model and proposes hypothesis. Through the method of social investigation and data analysis, the empirical study find that social value and functional value are the significant positive factors of users’ attitude on mobile payment, while perceived risk and perceived cost are significant negative factors of users’ attitude on mobile payment. And users’ attitude has significant effect on behavior intention. Based on the analysis above, the fourth section develops structure model of mobile payment business ecosystem, and define that the development stage of mobile payment business ecosystem is at the expansion stage. Then this section does deep analysis on the key links of the mobile payment business ecosystem, including telecom operators, banks, the third party payment operators, commercial tenants and users. Based on theory of business ecosystem, the fifth section select the China Mobile as an analysis object and analyze the strategies of its mobile payment business from the view of enterprise role of ecosystem, coopetition, market target location and payment method. In sixth section, it comes to a conclusion on the thesis and also proposes the shortcoming of the study and takes an outlook for mobile payment in the future.There are two main innovation points of thesis. First is using business ecosystem theory to do mobile payment research. This paper designed the structure model of mobile payment ecosystem and defined the development stage of ecosystem through the analysis of ecosystem elements and their relationship. Second, according to perceived value theory and analyzing users’ attitude and behavior intention on mobile payment, builds the users’ acceptability on mobile payment model and proposes hypothesis, and try to find the significant factors effecting users’ attitude on mobile payment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Business Ecosystem, Mobile Payment, Telecom Operators, 3G
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