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Atranslation Project Report On Sustainability In Interior Design (P84-P90, P107-P153)

Posted on:2014-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a translation project report on Sustainability in Interior Design by SianMoxon. It is the reporter, together with other two classmates, that was entrusted to finishthe translation project by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press. Thesource text is an English book, entitled Sustainability in Interior Design. The mainpurpose of it is to promote the concept of sustainable development to people who wantto create sustainable designs, and to introduce effective methods to integrate the ideainto practical design.During translation, the reporter took “rewriting” technique to communicate theaccurate meaning of the source text under the guidance of communicative theory.Communicative theory focuses more on the communication of the original meaning inthe target language and culture than on the exact match of the literal meaning. In otherwords, it avoids word-for-word translation which is blindly faithful to the source text.The “rewriting” technique, in contrast, aims to break the original structure of the sourcetext, to reorganize the information and to rewrite the text according to the writing habitsof the target language, which suits the aim of this translation project. In this way, thetranslation can avoid both the confusion resulted from strong influence of the sourcelanguage and the misunderstanding resulted from obscure and curt language, and thusguarantees correctness and accuracy of scientific English.This report introduced the background and significance of this translation report,and described the translation task and process. More specifically, the reporter analyzedsome sample sentences to show the difficulty of the translation task and offered somemethods to translate these sentences on the basis of communicative theory and“rewriting” translation technique. Finally, the reporter pointed out the lessons,implication and experience from the translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation project report, Sustainability in Interior Design, Communicative Translation, rewriting, textbook
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