Our traditional high consumption and low utilization of the economic growthpattern brought serious environmental and resource issues, recycle economy as anew kind of development mode arises at the historic moment. As the development ofrecycle economy of one of the basic system of the extended producer responsibilitysystem is to protect the environment and rational utilization of resources in aneffective way. China’s environmental situation is still at risk, the extended producerresponsibility system through the clear the extension of producer responsibility, andthe original product quality responsibility extends to the products whole life cyclefor the full responsibility. In dealing with a discarded products problems needs tonotice to producers from production source for prevention and treatment, andactively to implement environment information disclosure obligation and do thediscarded products recycling and recycling so as to achieve the effective the purposeof protecting the environment and natural resources. Extended producerresponsibility system is the important developing circular economy system guarantee,is coping with discarded products effective solution already by all over the worldagree, and in Germany, Japan, the United States and other countries achieved thegood development, create considerable environmental and economic benefits.Extended producer responsibility system is the drive source of the development ofrecycling economy, its for the recycling of waste and secondary use of circulareconomy development in line with the "3R"(i.e., reduce, reuse, recycle) principle.Our country in2009enacted circulation economic law of specified in chapter2ofthe six basic management system, one of the most spectacular one is the extendedproducer responsibility system. Perfect extended producer responsibility system canspeed up the development of economic law in the circular, local government alsohave come across the region of circular economy development policy, how to regulate extended producer responsibility system of circular economy developmenthas become a focus.This paper is based on this background, in the circulation economic law field ofview to perfect China’s extended producer responsibility system puts forwardthinking.In particular, the full text can be divided into four parts, the first part isextended producer responsibility system overview, which introduces the extendedproducer responsibility put forward and the development, and clearly the extendedproducer responsibility and extended producer responsibility the connotation of thesystem. The paper introduces the theory of the extended producer responsibilitysystem.It clarify development extended producer responsibility system ofsignificance. The second part is extended producer responsibility system’s historicalevolution and international experience.Which introduced the extended producerresponsibility system history evolution, and emphasizes the Germany, Japan, theUnited States extended producer responsibility system development situation and themain features of the system of our country to improve extended producerresponsibility to provide the reference to the source. The third part indicated the ourcountry extended producer responsibility system legislation present situation and theexisting defects, our country’s existing extended producer responsibility system ofthe relevant contents of more scattered and lack of relatively complete set, to definethe scope of the main producer responsibility not clear, and the existing extendedproducer responsibility system lacking the feasibility. The fourth part to perfect ourcountry’s extended producer responsibility system puts forward countermeasures,emphatically from the clear extended producer responsibility for the subject, theclear the obligation of components and producer’s responsibility to perfect ourproducer responsibility system three aspects such as the legal system for our countryto improve extended producer responsibility system provides some Suggestions. |