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On Improving China’s Consultation Mechanism Of County-Level Government Decision-Making

Posted on:2013-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401451171Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the fast development of modem society, international and domesticsituation becomes more complicated, and the new social problems are constantlyproduced. Environment the government should face is more complex, thus the socialproblems decision-maker should be solved are more and more difficult now. Becauseof the limited energy, knowledge and experience of the government decision-maker,the traditional decision–making method is not qualified to deal with the complicatedsocial problems. As the intellectual support of government decision-makers, decisionconsulting institutions could effectively contribute to advancing the scientific anddemocratization of government decision-making, and it is also essential for thegovernment decision-making system. At present, China’s govermmentdecision-making consultation mechanism is not so effective that the consultationinstitutions could not function well. The research of the consultative mechanism ofgovernment decision-making is mostly about the central government, so this papercould be helpful to improve the consultation mechanism of county-level governmentdecision-making in china.In this paper, firstly we elaborate the related theory of consultative mechanism ofdecision-making of County Level government and the meaning of improving it.Secondly, we review the developing status, achievements and existing problems ofcounty-level government decision-making consultative mechanism. Then, weintroduce the main features of American government decision-making consultativesystem, and summarize its reasons for the success and the inspiration for us. At last,learnt from the successful experience of the United States, combined with its owncharacteristics of our county government, an effective way is put forward to improvegovernment decision-making of China’s county level consultative mechanism.Through the research and analysis, to improve government decision-makingconsultative mechanism at the county level in China should be carried out from thefollowing aspects: to strengthen the awareness of decision-making consultation ofcounty-level government; to strengthen self-construction of decision-makingconsultation of county-level government; to improve the county-level governmentdecision-making consultation supporting system of county-level government; toimprove the operating mechanism of the county-level government decision-makingconsultation.
Keywords/Search Tags:decision-making of county-level government, decision-makingconsultative mechanism, improve
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