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Study On The Building China’s Legal-rational Authority Of The Government During The Transitional Period

Posted on:2014-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401957756Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The world today is a non-balanced development of the world, thegovernment plays a very important role. From the current development of China’smodernization process, the government determines the development path of oursociety, as well as the speed and level. So,the government authority is anindispensable resource for China’s modernization process, an effectivegovernment must be an authoritative government. China is currently experiencinga particular historical stage of the social institutional transformation alternately,how to build an effective government authority during this period, it is a questionworth pondering. In this paper, the basic Marxist point of view, start from MaxWeber on the authority of the concept, to build a path for analysis and discussionon the transformation of the necessity of the government authority transition andthe status quo, the causes as well as the legal authority, and the hope that China’stransition government authority building provide some useful suggestions.Building legal-rational authority of the Government of the need to transitionto the entry point, the first definition and analysis and comparison of variousauthoritative theory, then discusses China’s current authority of the status quo inthe system and cause problems factors based on the proposal of building alegal-rational authority feasible way. The full text is divided into a total of fourparts. The first part is the introduction, the main topics of research backgroundand significance, the domestic and international literature review and Transitionauthoritative legal-government general theory etc. The second part of theauthority since the founding of our government longitudinal study, classify andcompare the authority of the different historical periods, to arrive at alegal-rational authority of the Government is the inevitable trend of developmentof China’s government authority. Which the social environment of the transitionfrom the Chinese government, the third part of the paper analyzes theauthoritative current status of our government as well as the formation of thecurrent status cause. The fourth part on the party and government relations,building a government under the rule of law, strengthening democracy and tobuild a culture of civic awareness of the rule of law, and four parts of governmentauthority are truly established in the legal basis and the rational choice on. Marxonce said:"With the change of the economic foundation the whole immensesuperstructure or slow or fast change to occur." So, in a society in transition in our government, it must conform to the trend of historical development, see thedevelopment trend of the future administrative environment, in order to extendthe validity of the authority of government, we must seize the historic opportunityto take the initiative to change to the legal-rational authority. But since thefounding to the period before the reform and opening up, China’s governmentadministrative highly centralized planned economy system formed the basis ofthe legal-rational authority is rather weak, therefore, it must be put on the agendaon the authority of the Government will be transformed.The paper through broad access to a variety of academic journals,monographs, and periodicals such as newspapers and academic sites to collect thematerial, a more comprehensive study of the theoretical results and practicalexperience of domestic and foreign related. At the same time to the party andgovernment organs to do some research to understand the basic status. And onthis basis the historical materialism of Marxism as a guide, targeted to elaborate amore complete theoretical results.
Keywords/Search Tags:government authority, the transition, legal-rational authority ofthe government, Communist Party of China
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