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Research On The Relationship Between Township Government And Villagers Committee Under Villagers Autonomy

Posted on:2014-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K K QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425451522Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the fifth article of 《the villagers committees of the People’s Republic of China》, the relationship between the town government and the villagers committee is" township, ethnic townships, people’s government of town give guidance to the villagers committee’ work, Support and help, but can not intervene in the matters which accordance with the law belongs to the villagers’autonomy within the scope of. The villagers committee need to assist township, ethnic townships, people’s government of town to Carry out work." Though The law is correct, but hardly just macro, it is difficult to be implemented in real life. This causes the town government and the village committee had jurisdiction over each division of labor, responsibilities clear in theory, but in real life, the relationship between the township government and villagers’ committee is often ambiguous, the effective link is not well.Whether the relationship between township government and villagers’ committees is harmonious and harmonious, more reflected in attitude and methods which is the township government treat the work of village committee. Villagers’ committees as the villagers’ autonomous organization carrier, bear the important task for the concrete implementation of villagers autonomy. The core of villager autonomy is four democracy, just democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision. The most important task and work content of the villagers committee is how to use and the participation of the villagers in village governance to truly implement the these four democracy, in order to achieve the purpose of the villagers’ autonomy. Therefore, the relationship between township government and villagers’ committees embodied in the attitude and working methods which of township government treatment of villagers’ committees in the village-level democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management, democratic supervision in the actual work. In other words, also can through the four center link in the process of villagers’ autonomy, can showcase the current the relationship between the rural grassroots township government and villagers’ committee. This article based on the empirical research in rural areas of Sichuan, against the background of villager autonomy, discussed the relationship in the village democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management, democratic supervision and four aspects reveal between township government and villagers’ committees, pointe out the problems, analyze the causes of these problems, And give the corresponding countermeasures. Full-text is divided into seven parts:The first part is the introduction. Expatiate the backdrop and research significance of this article mostly, hackle the master actuality of correlative research both at home and abroad, Pointed out the deficiency of existing research.The second part is correlative concept’ commentate and exoterica bases, illustrates the concept of the rural grassroots, villagers’ autonomy, of township government and villagers’ committees which are referred in this research. Expound the relevant theories of marxism and its relevant theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics which are referenced in this research. At the same time, this study also used the related theory of western rural governance.The third part expatiates the relationship between township government and villagers committee under villagers autonomy. Clear the respective functions and division of labor of township government and villagers’ committees in rural grassroots. Specific clarify the respective functions and division of labor of township government and villagers’ committees when they do village-level democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision.The fourth part is the status of the relationship of township government and villagers’ committee—based on the part rural investigation of Sichuan. We use the data come from questionnaire survey to analysis the present situation of the relationship between township government and villagers’ committees in democratic elections, democratic policy-making, democratic management and democratic supervision of Sichuan grassroots rural.The fifth part specific analysis the relationship’ problem and reason between township government and villagers committee under villagers autonomy of Sichuan. Analyzed according to the data and the material which are come from survey in Sichuan rural,I found some main problems of the relationship between township government and villagers’ committees:towns government confusion the relationships of villages, interfere the villagers committee’s election, the villages and towns government calls the shots as they want, this will affects villagers committees’s democratic decision-making; The villages and towns government use traditional way to work, Interference democratic management in the villager committee; The villages and towns government maintain its own interests, Democratic supervision for the villagers committee does not reach the designated position etc of.To these problems, we analysis its mainly reason:lost correlative law, the potence-function of township government and villagers committee is unclear; Villagers’ potence-consciousness is dim, this provide space for township government to intermeddle villagers committee’ democratic elections; Township government has ascendency resource, this has affect the independence of villagers committee’ democratic decision-making; Some cadre do not hope villagers enjoy democratic management because of their old ideology; The disfigurement of system cause the democratic intendance of township government and villagers committee isn’t good.The sixth is divided into some countermeasures for constructing the harmonious relationship between township government and villagers’ committees. Aiming the problems in reality and its reasons, we put forward the corresponding countermeasures:Perfect the relevant laws and regulations, sort out the Responsibility, power, interests of township government and the villagers’ committee; Township government should return power back to the people, train villagers’ democratic consciousness; Constructing a service-oriented township government, enhance the ability of villagers’ committees democratic decision-making; Improve the township government management methods, improve the villagers committee democratic management level; Express the supervision function of township government effective, supervise the villagers committee’ work internal and external.The seventh part is conclusion. Point out conclusion and outlook of this research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers’ autonomy, The villages and towns government, The villagerscommittee, Harmonious
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