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Research On Construction Of Grass-roots Democracy In Rural Areas During The Process Of Construction Of A New Socialist Countryside

Posted on:2015-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428463544Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is the essential requirement of socialist democracy thatpeople are the masters. Building a new socialist countryside is amajor strategic decision of our party in the new situation ofeconomic and social development. Grass-roots democracy in ruralareas is of great significance for the new rural construction.Research on the reform and development of the ruralgrass-roots democracy, it is firstly needed to know the socialbackground and relatively existing research results of the buildingof new countryside and grass-roots democracy, and to deeplyanalyze and understand the twenty-character principle of thebuilding of new countryside and main contents of grass-rootsdemocracy. Secondly, we need to understand the requirement ofthe new rural construction to grassroots democracy. A clearunderstanding is that the rural grass-roots democracy is animportant content and political guarantee and a strong impetus andan active role in the construction of new rural construction.Then we should clearly know the status quo of China’sgrassroots democracy in rural areas, including the mainachievements and the problems and causes. The achievements made for grassroots democracy are the progress of villagers’ legaland democratic awareness, the perfection of relative systems andlaws and rules, and the improvement of the function of democraticdecision making and democratic management. Problems are thatrural economic base is relatively weak and imbalanced, which hasa negative influence on rural grassroots democracy; institutionalconstruction needs to be sound and the relationship between thevillage committees need to be improved, and the procedure of ruraldemocracy needs to be regulated; farmers’ educational quality andthe skills of political participation need to be improved; thecontradicts brought by social class and social mobility. Then theauthor put forward the basic principles and the development oftargeted countermeasures to improve grass-roots democracy inrural areas. We must develop rural productivity to promoting thesustained and healthy development of rural economy; improverelevant legal systems and realize the real implementation of the"four democracies"; enhance fundamental education andpopularize relative knowledge; strengthen the guidance of the localclan and foster reasonable structure of social stratification;smooth diversified channels of participation, to ensure the fullexercise of the majority of farmers in politics functions; strengthenthe supervision of mass media to guarantee farmers’ democraticrights.Finally, it should be stressed that the importance of grass-rootsdemocracy in rural areas. Promoting grass-roots democracy in ruralareas is an essential requirement of building a new socialistcountryside, and an important basis for improving our democratic political construction, and an inevitable choice for building asocialist harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction of a new socialist countryside Grass-rootsdemocracy, in rural area, Relationship, Problem, Countermeasure
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