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Discussion About Democratic Political Construction Of The Rural Grass-roots Unit In The Context Of The New Socialist Countryside

Posted on:2011-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360308459106Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Fifth Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the CPC deliberated on , and passed it. Building a Socialism Countryside was proposed in the proposal; and from this time on, it became a new strategic objective. It requires the Party and the government to think from the view of the construction of a comprehensive well-off society, continue to see solving three problems about countryside,agriculture and farmers as their working point and continue to construct Socialism countryside. Constructing the new socialist countryside is a long-term strategic task, but constructing the democratic politics of the grass-roots unit is a key point of constructing a new socialist countryside. Moreover, constructing the democratic politics of the grass-roots unit is an important safeguard of constructing the new Socialist Countryside. In the context of a socialist new countryside, researching the construction of the grass-roots unit is of great significance.As the reform and opening-up policy has gone during the past 30 years, the CPC always takes high attentions about the democratic political construction of the grass-roots unit. The 15th Congress of the CPC proposed to expand the democratic of the grass-root unit, and guaranteed that the people directly exercise their democratic rights. This is the first time that the report of the 17th Congress of the CPC had tied democratic political system of the grass-roots unit, people's congress system, multi-party cooperation system and political consultation system together.It is a major task that the democratic political system of the grass-roots unit protects the people to enjoy more democratic rights and guarantees the socialist political construction. Because of China's vast territory, large population, more social management level, the production and life of the people focus on the grass-roots unit. So the development of public utilities of the grass-roots unit and the Management of public affairs of the grass-roots unit play an important role in the general interests of the people: the democracy of the rural grass-roots unit and Guaranteeing the legitimate rights and interests of the people have close relation-ships. Developing the democracy of the grass-roots unit and improving the self-government system of the grass-roots unit are the most extensive and most effective way to people has become their own masters. The construction of the democratic politics of grass-roots unit includes the rural and urban democratic politics'construction. Most of Chinese population is farmer, so the stability and development of the rural grass-roots unit affects the stability and development of china. We can conclude that the key point of democratic political construction of the grass-roots unit locate in the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit.This graduation thesis shows us Chinese democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit form four different part.The first part analyses Chinese democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit theoretical. It consists of three aspects; firstly, I indicate the scientific concept of the democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit and the concept consists of basic content and main extension. Secondly, it makes us know about its basic contents, basic features and the status and significance of constructing Chinese democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit. It shows that, to a large extent, Chinese democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit guarantee building new socialist countryside. Not only constructing a harmonious society needs Chinese democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit in the real, but also the socialist democratic political construction needs its important supporting. Thirdly, I introduce the significance of the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit during constructing a new socialist countryside. The democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots plays an important part in increasing the enthusiasm of the farmers, helping enhance the stability of rural society and providing scientific decision-making mechanism to the rural community.The second part shows us the achievement of constructing the democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit, and moreover, sums up the basic experiences. The democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit always attaches the Party and the government's high attention. We gradually improve the legal system of the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit, and constantly enrich the forms of the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit. According to the achievements, we sum up the basic experiences. Presently, we need more respects for the will of the people, should uphold the party's leadership in constructing democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit, and we must uphold governing the country according to law in order that the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit effectively operates In the orbit of the rule of law. The third part analysis the problems of the four levels of democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, and finds the root of the problems from economic, politic, culture and society. In the aspect of democratic elections, clan forces and election bribes affects the democratic political construction of the rural grass-roots unit more and more and the electoral system is inadequate yet. In the aspect of democratic decision-making, democratic decision-making process is not scientific;the relationship is complex and uncoordinated between Village Committee and the Party's branch Committee, between towns and villages. In the aspect of democratic management, Farmers'sense of democracy is a little weak; farmers'awareness of the democratic participation is poor and the poor quality of leaders of the rural grass-roots unit doesn't meet the requirements of democratic management. In the aspect of democratic supervision, it Lacks effective oversight mechanisms;Village affairs had some problem and farmers lack awareness of democratic supervision.. According to these problems, we explore the underlying reasons, we can find that our economic base is relatively weak; our political system is not perfect and lacks the relevant legal protection mechanisms; farmers'cultural quality is relatively low and they still the traditional feudal ideology; the social environment in rural areas is to be improved.The last part shows us some my own suggestions of how to construct democratic politics of the rural grass-roots unit more better and more completive from the four levels of democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision. The economic construction is the basic link. Fundamentally, the economy is the basis. We must constantly emancipate and develop the productive forces and focus on this point at all times. Only if the economy has developed well, farmers could pay more attention to political developments. Political construction is our guarantee, so we must constantly improve with the legal system related to the democratic political construction, Improve relative oversight mechanism, strengthen the Party's leadership and improve the quality of the grass-roots leaders. Culture construction is the internal driving force. Education plays a vital role in the democratic political construction of the grass-roots unit, so we must enhance education before enhancing our county's power, and strongly developing the rural education is the key. The level of education determines the people ability of analysis problem and solving problems. In addition, democratic awareness also has a certain relationship with education. Social construction is the external environment. We must seize the socialist core value system to lead social thoughts and in the same time purify the social environment in rural areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:New socialist countryside, Democratic politics of the grass-roots unit, Villagers'autonomy
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