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The Research On The Governance Reform Of The Coastal Developed Areas’Township Governments

Posted on:2015-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330431450742Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper uses case studies, literature, social surveys and comparative analysis methods, in order to reform the practice of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province as a case, which is necessarily to analyze and explore the governance reform of the coastal developed regions township government.In the late90s of last century, with the increasingly prominence of "agriculture, country and farmers", many scholars have begun to explore the governance reform of the township government.Since the new century, with the abolition of agricultural tax, the issue of township governance in the new situation once again become a hot academic discussion. Many scholars have conducted a multi-angle and multi-level studies. As these scholars in different academic backgrounds and different research focus, they freely express his own views on policy advocates and reform path of township governance reform. These studies point of view, not only does the existing system seek a breakthrough but also maintain and improve the existing system. Although there is a theoretical differences, the actual governance reform of township government made a positive exploration. However, we also found that existing studies more focused on the analysis of the overall concept of the township government, trying to draw a path which suited to all of China’s township government reform.Meanwhile, there are a considerable number of studies which just have focused on "underdeveloped regions", trying to promote the development of these areas with the reform of the underdeveloped township government. But fewer people monographic study the plight and reform of township government of the "developed regions". The "developed regions" as a pilot reform developed areas, these areas are now facing many problems that other areas in the future development may also face. Meanwhile, the reform measures of "developed regions", Whether it is the experience of success or failures, have a very high reference for other regions.This article includs three chapters.The first chapter briefly describes the historical changes of rural governance and describes the current status of research and practice of township governance situation in some areas.The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the crack of series of reform measures in the plight of township governance process in Zhongshan City, and analyzes the effect of the implementation of these measures.The third chapter integrates the new situation since "18th CPC National Congress " was held, and analyzes to further deepen the move towards reform of township government, and proposes viable policy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Township Government, Zhongshan City, Reduce the township governmentaffairs and enhance the ability of township governance, Social Governance
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