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Gold Town Of Villagers' Autonomy

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330431957430Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
November4,1998the Standing Committee of the Fifth Session of the NinthNational People’s Congress passed the "People’s Republic of China Village CommitteeOrganization Law," China must build a socialist political civilization, the developmentof socialist democratic politics is essential content. Villagers Autonomy is one of thecore content of grassroots democracy, related to the development and construction of anew socialist countryside grassroots.Gold Town is a rural majority areas, promoting grassroots democracy in rural areas,improve the capacity and level of village autonomy of grassroots organizations, is therelationship between rural reform and development are also key areas to promote theconstruction. Paper is divided into four chapters, analysis of the gold town villagers’autonomy in practice problems and deepening the development of villager autonomysystem countermeasures and suggestions. The first chapter describes the general aspectsof the theory of self-government villagers villager autonomy system implementationsignificance and meaning of this stage of villager autonomy. The second chapterdescribes the basic situation of the Golden Town, the author investigation Gold Townvillager autonomy process of democratic election, democratic decision making,democratic management and democratic supervision of the program process, andthrough home visits and questionnaires, visit the villagers way The running performanceof gold town of villagers’ autonomy were investigated. The third chapter of the GoldenTown villager autonomy stage the problems and their causes are analyzed to explore.From a practical perspective, the construction of the gold town of villagers ’autonomyachieved some results, but there are many problems, such as farmers and culturalqualities, economic conditions in rural villager autonomy system developmentconstraints; coordinating the construction of township government and the villagers’self-government organization relationship; the village Party branch committee and thedivision of labor between the villagers still not clear contradiction; democraticsupervision and improve democratic oversight organizations; well as on the legalsystem of village self-government construction and improvement. Solutions for Chapter IV Gold Town villager autonomy system existing in the running were studiedthese issues and suggestions such as: the development of science and education in ruralareas, improve the people’s quality; rationalize the relationship between the townshipgovernment and the village, the village party relations branch and strengthening therelationship between cadres and village construction, practice the mass line;strengthening grassroots democracy and legal construction supervision; accelerateeconomic development, strengthen the economic base of villager autonomy. Therebyenhancing the ability of grassroots self-government organizations, give full play to theimportant role of grassroots organizations in social management and regionaldevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:The autonomy of villagers, Democracy building, development
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