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Contemporary Women Love Skill Demands And Their Causes

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J KeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marriage and relationships have been a vital branch of sociological research areas. The stability of the family has a great impact on the stability of the social structure, and love plays a vital role of entering marriage. Increasing problems have been emerging as a result of the delay of average marriageable age and the improvement of freedom of love in recent years. Due to the obvious physiological and cultural differences from male gender, women suffer more significant problems in the process of loving. When subject to emotional harms or deceits, women may be faced with a series of problems like unwanted pregnancies, being a single mother, the public stigmas and so on. In the face of love, most women cannot come up with a good solution, or even realized that love can be studied systematically like a subject. Hence, researches have been carried out on the demands of the women love skills in a unique perspective in this paper. According to statistics among relevant papers, women’s love skills are divided into mate skills, relationship maintenance skills, self-perception skills and self-repair skills. Investigation and analysis of contemporary women have been launched via different dimensions on the demand for these skills. Most women are in a state of high demand for a variety of skills, and also the level of understanding these skills is not deep enough. What follows is the exploration of possible causes of these demands, and based on these analysis, a discussion is carried out on the possibilities of learning these love skills. The result has been found out that most of the women are willing to invest their time and money on learning these skills. However, the current market of love skill training for women is not systematic, and has a lot of defects. Finally, through analysis, several possible suggestions on learning love skills systematically have been raised.
Keywords/Search Tags:love, relationship, mate, female, love skills
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