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The Comparative Study And Enlightenment Of Different Versions Of High School History Textbooks On The Subject "the Normalization Of Sino-US Relations"

Posted on:2014-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of education reform, the compilation of history textbooksis becoming "one standard many textbooks". However, the selection of material,content, language in the textbooks and the point of history view hold by the compilersare quite different from each other because they had different understandings to theStandard of History Curriculum, and different backgrounds of the history knowledgeand point of views, which has brought new challenges to the teachers and studentswhile they are teaching and studying history with these textbooks. This thesis selects"the normalization of Sino-US relations" from the fifth topic "foreign relations ofModern China" in History required course I. And it compare the details in thetextbooks of People’s Education Press edition, People’s Publishing House edition,Yuelu Publishing House edition and Beijing Normal University Press edition toanalysis their similarities and differences.This thesis are divided into several parts:The first part analyses "the normalization of Sino-US relations" under therequirements of Standard of Curriculum and explains it with details which can make abetter comparison in the following parts.Then the second part presents the similarities and differences among fourversions on the subject "the normalization of Sino-US relations" with the statisticaldata from the aspects of positions in the textbook, text system and the auxiliarysystem of texts.The third part analyses the similarities and differences and shortcomings on thesubject "normalization of Sino-American relations" in the four versions from theaspects of macroscopic and microcosmic positions in the textbook, the contentselection and expression of text system and the detailed design of auxiliary system oftexts.The last part discusses the common compile problems appear in the four editionsof history textbooks on the subject "normalization of Sino-American relations ".I hope this thesis could help the compilers with compiling the high school historytextbook on this content and other contents, and also help the teachers and students todeal with the textbooks.
Keywords/Search Tags:People’s Education Press edition, People’s Publishing House edition, Yuelu Publishing House edition, Beijing Normal University Press edition, Comparative study and enlightenment
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