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Research On Current Situatin And Development Countermeasures Of Table Tennis Referee Team In Henan Province

Posted on:2014-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401975368Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Table tennis is well-liked in China and known as the "National Pastime". In the present age, tabletennis has been widely popularized and improved as the nationwide fitness campaign carried out fully. As aresult of this, the number of high-level table tennis competitions is increasing dramatically. For instance, inHenan province, there are more than2000people take part in the "Table tennis Cup" which has been holdfor two sessions by China Unicom. The utilizing of newspapers, Internet and other medium before hasmade a great influence in the province and even in the country. China table tennis association league(Henan PiaoAn stand) has been hold by the Henan table tennis association for more than5years since2007.Races of China table tennis association league is famous and gain a good reputation for most members,widest-range and popularity. The rules and the referee method of table tennis competition is changingconstantly, these changes make the society urgently needs a large number of table tennis referee to be ableto adapt to the development of the referee work. As a member of the referee teams in our country, Henanprovince table tennis referee team also needs to adapt to the development constantly, to strengthen theconstruction of Henan province table tennis referee, to further defined the referee target and to improvetraining methods as well as to optimize the management system, to carry forward the advantages and avoidshortcomings, and improve their qualities, in order to promote the overall development of Henan provincetable tennis referee team.This article mainly uses literature method, survey method, logical analysis and mathematical statisticsresearch methods, combining with a practical case of Henan province country level referee team or evenabove as the research object to study. As can be seen from the survey is that the shortage of the teams,ratio imbalance among both sexes, reasonable age structure, the development of table tennis referees of18cities in Henan province is unbalanced despite the degree structure is reasonable, but the overall level ofEnglish is low, the referee has a positive motive, but is lack of competition experience of big events and thereferee practice is less, individual judges promotion period is longer, is not conducive to Henan provincetable tennis referee’s long-term development. Through the result of the satisfaction survey of board andcutting conditions to part of the coaches and athletes to the games in Henan province table tennis referee is relatively satisfied as a whole, but this suggests that the Henan table tennis referees’ management of cuttingthe opposite still has some room to improve, Henan referee has fewer collective training, self training levelis not enough and the lack of knowledge about table tennis referee training.This paper explore some reasonable measures to deal with the problems according to the investigationand analysis of the Henan province table tennis referee work reality: strengthen women referees cultivation;improve the referees professional quality; improve the supervision of the referee evaluation; intensify thereferee training and means; using scientific research to create conditions for referees; giving more refereesof board cutting opportunities; establish the appropriate rewards and punishment system; build table tennisreferee management of relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible, notice the great importance of theprovinces and cities related government departments at all levels for table tennis association jointmanagement, coordinate and cooperate with each other between18cities in Henan province, to be able todo a good training job of the referee timely and efficiently, strengthen table tennis referee training,selection, evaluation, promotion, and registration regulation etc., in order to build finished supportingmeasures and system, at the same time, relevant departments should strengthen the communicationprovince, between the provinces and cities and organize high quality, high level competitions and increasethe Henan table tennis referees’ opportunities; strengthen the management of relevant departmentssupervision and guidance, we should establish and gradually improve table tennis referee rewards andpunishments measures and ensure legislative to constraint referees’ wrongdoing; finally, sound the securityand incentive mechanism of Henan province table tennis referee.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan province, table tennis referee, current situation, Countermeasures
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