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Analysis Of The Chemical Experiment Evaluation In CEE Based On The Chemical Experiment Ability

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401981304Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The college entrance examination as the most common large-scale Educational Testing speculated that the presence of the students’abilities. The experimental ability chemistry capabilities most essential embodies mainly through experimental questions test check. The The experiment test analysis focused on the characteristics of the questions, the structure, the idea of life system, comparative analysis, the research perspective in recent years, steering ability, thinking evaluation, but less attention was paid based on the perspective of practical skills examination system analysis of experimental studies less attentionFinishing on the basis of the literature, data analysis, and laid the theoretical basis of this study. Text analysis, which were selected in2004to enter the first experiment test of the new curriculum reform experimental zone of Shandong, Ningxia, Hainan, Guangdong Province a total of35samples can be drawn by analyzing the meaning of the experiment in the experiment test includes the following aspects:1.The experiment test material situations, including elements of the experimental setup, process flow diagrams, experimental programs, experimental data, explore situations experiments. Among them, the main experimental setup and flow charts.2.Specific experimental substance preparation, testing, separation and purification, the composition determination nature validation and quantitative analysis of the experimental data processing. Which mostly qualitative experiment.3.Students to experiment cognitive level of the test, highlighting the students machining and processing of the experimental facts and the understanding and use of the experimental principle, students are required to explain the actual experimental problems, or the use of experimental knowledge to solve problems.4.Understanding of the connotation of the experimental, the provinces experimental questions, Shandong volume more experiments as a means of Guangdong volume is more experimental as an important part of scientific investigations provided the factual basis. Questions set under different experimental understanding, examine the contents of the different focus. Experiments as a means to examine the contents of the point is the subject knowledge; experimental raising activities as a measure to check the activities of the entire experiment in some segments of understanding, or the ability of students to design experimental activities; experimental aspects of scientific inquiry, presents the general process of scientific experiments, in the process contribute to evaluating the ability of students to use the scientific method, the use of experimental methodology skills to solve practical problems. In addition, the experimental method of the control variable experimental questions of a test check.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chemical experiment ability, The chemical experiment evaluation in CEE, Experiment, Experimental problems, Material context
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