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Survey On Stakeholder Views On Issues Of Ethics In Kindergarten

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428478621Subject:Pre-school education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, frequent kindergarten teachers "child abuse", the kindergarten teacher’s ethics problems are more and more attention and concern, the state promulgated "the kindergarten teachers’professional standards" and "the several opinions on the current development of pre-school education under the state council made it clear that teachers should take children as this, ethics first, and emphasizes that the teacher’s ethics of the first kindergarten teachers the most basic, the most important professional standards and specifications.This research adopts literature analysis of past research on kindergarten teachers’ethics problems made a literature review, interview method, the selection of Beijing urban area and suburbs public and private the kindergarten, kindergarten teachers and parents as interview object, to the kindergarten stakeholders to kindergarten teacher teacher’s ethics problems, ethics importance to teachers’ professional development, teacher’s ethics standard, the kindergarten teachers love their career, kindergarten teachers love and respect for children, kindergarten teachers’ sense of responsibility, such as the kindergarten teachers’ professional image and kindergarten teacher’s ethics management experience and in-depth investigation, the following research conclusions:1. Kindergarten stakeholders will not tolerate the kindergarten teacher teacher’s ethics problems. They think kindergarten teachers must strictly abide by the rules and regulations and code of conduct of kindergarten and must not violate the teacher teacher’s ethics spirit. Stakeholders is generally believed that the current kindergarten kindergarten teacher ethics overall situation is good, the ethics problem just case, preschool teachers’ ethics level is higher; Their calls for a national kindergarten teacher teacher’s ethics standards, make the kindergarten legal, standardize the kindergarten teachers’ daily behavior, reduce the nursery teacher teacher’s ethics problems, is also a more secure and happy in kindergarten children. Kindergarten mentioned stakeholders present kindergarten teacher’s ethics problems mainly include:first, the teacher corporal punishment children; Second, teachers corporal punishment in disguised forms. Third, the teacher angry, emotional control ability is weak; Fourth, teachers don’t respect the child, irresponsible; Fifth, in violation of the provisions of the park from parents gifts; Sixth, teachers in early childhood sexual assault. 2. Kindergarten stakeholders is generally believed that the ethics of early childhood teachers of preschool teachers’professional development and career is very important. They think good preschool teachers ethics help early childhood teachers in career development on the road to get a better development, teachers can help children achieve their pursuit of preschool education career ideals and dreams, more conducive to China’s preschool education career towards health, professional, high quality and all-round, three-dimensional direction, thus promoting the cause of preschool education better serve the society, to create more social talents.3. Kindergarten stakeholders is generally accepted that kindergarten teachers should include the main content of ethics standard has:first, the noble moral character, filial piety parents; Second, teacher model, behavior world fan, set a good example, not the corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguised forms infants, make sure your child mental health development, make sure that the children personal safety; Third, teachers improve their ethics level and ability, strong professional, high quality, ethics education for young children; Fourth, love children education career, have love and dedication; Fifth, the right discipline methods; Sixth, the teacher fully respect children, equal treatment. Seventh, teachers should have high professional identity. Eighth, the teacher must have responsibility consciousness, pay attention to children’s development.4.Kindergarten stakeholders believe that early childhood teachers children can never be serious corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms.If children make mistakes, can proper punishment; In addition, preschool teachers should respect to love children, rich sense of responsibility and patience, the kindergarten teacher must take good care of children with all my heart, do my best ability and efforts to ensure children’s safety and happiness, cultivate children’s independent life and learning ability, develop good moral sentiment, good mentality and social intercourse ability, for the children’s development in the future life to lay the solid foundation.5. Whether kindergarten stakeholders for teachers to use his own life or health for young children’s safety this question mainly four kinds of opinion:first, there are two parents believe that if teachers regardless of their lives, that is not likely to give to save children; Second, there are three teachers think to meet danger, avoid risk, in the event of dangerous situation, teachers should abandon oneself protect children; Third, there is a teacher didn’t know he would give his life to save young children, but she can make instinctive reaction; Fourth, the remaining six four parents, teachers and8directors agree that appear dangerous, teachers should use their own life or health protect children’s safety.6.Kindergarten stakeholders think qualified preschool teachers’ professional image should include the main contents are:first, steady heavy, he don’t panic; Second, amiable, have the patience to love, and positive, optimistic, confident, lively open and bright, high spirit, supercilious; Third, dress well, not stay long nails, not heavy make-up; Fourth, with innovative spirit and a good knowledge reserves.7.The kindergarten teacher’s ethics main management strategies including:formulate relevant rules and regulations, clear teacher behavior standards; On the induction and in-service teachers’ ethics in strict inspection; For new and in-service teacher teacher’s ethics training; Set up the teacher’s ethics supervision mechanism; Requests the teacher constantly study, summary and reflection; kindergarten leadership to guide the teacher how to properly communicate with parents; The teacher do psychological counseling to help them deal with stress, emotional outburst.
Keywords/Search Tags:kindergarten teachers’ ethics, kindergarten teachers’ ethics standard, kindergarten teachers’ professional image
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