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Utilization Efficiency Of Agricultural Water Resource In Xinjiang

Posted on:2014-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhengFull Text:PDF
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With the promotion of industrialization and urbanization and the sustainable growth of population, thescarcity of water resources has increased. First,It’s caused by the difference of social demand for water、theplural subjects of being used and the competition of using water.Second, the low efficiency and highconsumption proportion of consumption lead to the shrinking of the ratio of using agricultural water. At thesame time, the extensive way brings about the contradictory between shortage and waste in usingagricultural water resources. The deep reflection of utilization of agricultural water resources and theeffective utilization of agricultural water resources have become a difficult and urgent task globally.Therefore, how to use the limited agricultural water resources to boost the efficiency of agricultural waterresource utilization has become a practical and significant problem during the current social and economicdevelopment.In this study, It’s used as the main clue by the allocation efficiency、production efficiency andrelevance between them of agricultural water resource. Under the shortage and coexistence of XinJiangagricultural water resources, we use the province of XinJiang as the object, the mechanism of agriculturalwater resources utilization as the analysis framework and then based on the relationship between allocationefficiency and production efficiency of agricultural water resources, from the price (market perspective)、water-saving agricultural policy and agricultural water-saving technology (based on the perspective ofgovernment) to seek the effective realization form of agriculture water resource utilization..Finally, we canachieve the ultimate goal of improving the utilization efficiency of agricultural water resources. The mainconclusions of this study include the following:(1) Agricultural water resources allocation system is to be advised in XinJiang, the allocationefficiency is low,there are differences between regions.Agricultural water resources allocation system consistent with the evolution of configuration system ingeneral, whether agricultural water rights system, agricultural water price system or agricultural waterresources management system,which has gradually tend to more reasonable. But there are problems in theprocess of evolution. Agricultural water resources allocation efficiency is low, there are differences betweenregions.From the time point of view, agricultural water resources allocation efficiency showing the "W"trend of cycle fluctuations, from the spatial distribution, agricultural water resources allocation efficiencyspatial differences is very obvious. The natural conditions, the irrigation system of agriculture waterresource and water conservancy facilities investment in these three points affect agricultural waterresources allocation efficiency.(2) The production efficiency of agricultural water resources instill little optimism in XinJiangFrom the time point of view, the production efficiency of agricultural water resources present thetendency "W" circles in2004~2010;from the spatial distribution,the scores of agricultural productionefficiency inconsistency with production efficiency of agricultural water resources in XinJiang, at the sametime, there is a big difference between the efficiency of agricultural production and agricultural waterresources efficiency. The natural climate factors, crop planting structure and agricultural water resourcescarcity, the three factors affect agricultural water resources production efficiency.(3) The water price is low in XinJiang, the policies of water saving agriculture is lack of systemsecurity, the application and promotion of agricultural water-saving technology is not go well, agriculturalwater use efficiency is generally low, at the same time, there are differences between regions.In the aspect of the market allocation,the water price is too low, deviations from the relationshipbetween water resources supply and demand, it is difficult to play a regulating role of agricultural waterresources use efficiency. Whether the financial investment policy, policy of fiscal subsidies or preferentialpolicies, which is t lack of systematic security in the aspect of policy support. In the aspect of heapplication and promotion of agricultural water-saving technology, lack of comprehensiveness and universality, at the same time,popularization and application of technology mainly depends on the fiscalinvestment and the support of project funds, in the long run, it is bound to affect the popularization ofwater-saving irrigation technology more deeply and widely. Because of the problem in these three aspects,resulting in low efficiency of agricultural water resources. From the time point of view, the agriculturalwater resources use efficiency consistent trend of allocation and utilization of agricultural water resources,allocation efficiency of agricultural water resources plays a leading role in agricultural water resourceutilization efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural water resources, use efficiency, allocation efficiency, production efficiency
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