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Study On The Optimization And Layout Of Land Use Structure In Zhuanglang County Based On GMDP Model

Posted on:2014-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422456104Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the population and land non-agricultural process increasing, The process ofregional land use structural imbalances and inefficient utilization problem has becomepaticular prominent. Optimization of land use structure can improve the utilization of1and use and achieve the sustainable development of land resources.As a result, it isof great importance to work out a scientific and rational land use structureoptimization program so as to save land resources among different economic sectorsof the rational allocation and achieve maximum efficiency of land use.This paper takes Zhuanglang County as the study field and uses statistics fromyear2000to2009. This article uses presents a comparative analysis of ZhuanglangCounty’s land use.Then we advances grey multi-objective linear programming withthe result,sets up the related variables, constructs the objective function,createsconstraint conditions,and give s final land use structure optimization scheme whichtakes the economic and ecological benefits of land use into account. The combining ofthe clustering analysis and GIS spatial analysis of land use zoning functions,itemphasizes that the adjustment of land use spatial direction. the research co ncludes asfollows:First,Zhuanglang County land use structure is irrational. The land types aremainly composed of agricultural land, agricultural land area of88.30percent of thetotal area of the county land. Agricultural land area accounting for52.22percent ofthe total land area,and the high proportion of farmland overweight and fewer percapita farmland. Forest land only accounts for14.53percent of the total area,concentrated in the mountains. Garden plot and traffic land proportion is low.The mining land scattered layout s not conducive to intensive management. Otherland is given priority to with ridge, the development and utilization of difficulties. Second,After the optimization of land use structure. The optimized land usestructure of arable land decrease72890.85hm2, but decrease rate is8.63%, it meetsthe present and future social development requirement.Garden plot and forest areadepend on the grassland and other land use conversion to achieve area increased,respectively2497.21hm2and2495.86hm2. requirements;Garden plot and forest areaare increasing which improves the ecological benefit of1and use.The incrementalconstruction land purposes to meet the needs of social development and the stockconnotation land realizes connotation potential,improving the1and utilization rate ofconstruction1and.According to certain principles of configuration refinement of theland use structure optimization scheme to the villages and towns will reflect thepractical application of land use structure optimization scheme.Third, According to the result of land use structure optimization scheme, the landof Zhuanglang County was divided into five land use areas. According to the analysisof eachregion’s characteristics,such scheme may get the land use reasonable directionto improve the land use rate and sustainability....
Keywords/Search Tags:land use spatial structure, land use zoning, land use type, GIS
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