Industrial parks have an important impact to the economic and social progressive as anew model of economic development. Since1980’s, according to the actual situation of theeconomic development in China, a large number of various levels of industrial parks havebeen established. The count industrial parks have driven significantly higher than the othertypes of industrial pars on the local economy due to the features of spatial distribution,technical structure, industrial type and so on. Capturing the historical opportunity of theindustry transfer, Gansu has built many count industrial parks which have good performanceduring the past twenty years. However, these count industrial parks still have many problemsin the development progress, the most prominent problem is many companies just accumulatein the count industrial parks but lack well layout, and the “Agglomeration Economics” is notobvious. Recently, no matter in theory or in practice, industry cluster as a new model ofindustry organization, have attracted much attention because it can give birth to“Agglomeration Economics” and evidently promote the development of region economy.Count industrial parks and industry cluster are two partial intersectant but distinctive concepts.Industry cluster provides a new perspective for count industrial parks’ development.This article is based on the studies of theories on count industrial parks and industrycluster. Firstly, through literature review, it involves a detailed retrospect of the researchprogress about the parks’ industry cluster at home and abroad, and counts a systematicsummary and conclusion on the study situations of the domestic industry cluster in the countindustrial parks. Secondly, through qualitative, qualitative and inductive methods based on thetheory research, this essay analyzed the basic situations of count industrial parks anddevelopment mode of the industry cluster in Gansu. At the same time, evaluating the level of“Agglomeration Economics” of count industrial parks in Gansu by the qualitative methods.Through the factor analysis and clustering analysis methods in multivariate statistics, factoranalysis is applied to select the proper factors in the indexes and calculate the factor scores ofthe “Agglomeration Economics”. Then the complex factors are taken as variables to conductclustering analysis, the count industrial parks will be divided into four categories according tothe level of “Agglomeration Economics” in each count industrial park, at the same time, everycategory will be discussed. It can be seen that the overall level of “AgglomerationEconomics” in Gansu’s count industrial parks is lower and extremely uneven, meantime thesignificant discrepancy have existed in different parks. It also can be seen that the countparks’ level of “Agglomeration Economics” is higher who have better industrial base,stronger economic strength, advanced resource utilization and superior geographic conditions. Thirdly, using the methods of case analysis explain the current situation and development ofindustry cluster about Xifeng, Lianhai and Longxi whose level of “AgglomerationEconomics” is best in Gansu’ count industrial parks, making an conclusion and pointing outthe experience and shortcomings. Finally, based on the above analysis results, putting forwardthe following countermeasure: speeding up the upgrading of industrial structure, promotingthe formation of industrial agglomeration; broadening the financing channels; giving impetusto the infrastructure orderly; increasing the investments in technology to improve thecapability of independent innovation; innovating the merchant mechanisms, implementing thestrategy of “going out”; strengthening the building of brand culture in count industrial parks;reinforcing the environmental protection to promote the sustainable development of the parks. |