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Exploration And Research On Dynamic Symbol Design

Posted on:2017-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485962571Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the digital information age, with the rapid life tempo and information over-loaded, publics become numb in mind accepting which also contributes to a visual aesthetic improvement. It becomes an important problem in symbol designing area that how to make your work become attractive, focused and effective transferred in the information pool. Compared to the traditional static symbols, dynamic symbols get more focus, in the way of multiple senses ending the silence age of symbol designing which declares the renaissance of aesthetic sensibility. Dynamic symbol combined with the concept of time and space sufficiently mobilize public’s visual and auditory in the way of an unique visual charm and interests, and, achieve the level of attention and memorizing in designing.In recent years, developing digital media technology brings the world an unprecedented surprise. Dynamic symbol designing, which come with it, as concerned in graphic design, animation, information emerging and other next generation area of multiple media integration, tends to be an unique symbol designing, consolidating the space together with elements of graphic, text, color, sound and so on. The research emphasis in this paper is discussing that how to make every designing element act in the proper position to gain the audience’s attention and impression which stands the key point of designing and research importance. The question is, How to design this kind of multiple adapted and flexible dynamic symbols?First of all, this paper starts from the concept definition of dynamic symbol, combining with its feature, analyzes the existing advantage in designing. Based on the domestic and foreign outstanding symbol design analyzing, together with current development status in China, social aesthetic demands of increasing urgency and harsh of general public in visual selection, we extract the useful experience and skill in design from learning excellent dynamic symbol of foreign cases. So that, we can take advantage of the best design direction and initial the best style in the framework phrase.Secondly, based on the concept division of dynamic symbol design, we summarize its features and benefits to lead the timely, unique, flexibility and adaption we should present. While attracting the public’s active focus to contribute information to the interests spreading, creative space expanding, diversify application extension. Meanwhile, we analyze the root of dynamic symbol design through its development in different media to emphasize the adaption of the design in the same stage with new media developing. Based on the above, we summarized in system the main line of dynamic visual elements, time control and audio design to build the basic theoretical foundation with excellent cases.Last but not least, based on the above findings, we tentatively put forward the specific method of dynamic symbol design. Which is, From the major dynamic background, visual dynamic extension, dynamic simulation and interpretation, to study the dynamic principles of symbol design. Analyzing civil relative practice and foreign cases, we put the theory and practicing together to confirm the relevance of the research value of this article. And enlightenment and thinking it brings are also summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:logo, dynamic logo, logo design, digital media, practical activity
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