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In Crisis Management Of Research In Intergovernmental Cooperation

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330425478592Subject:Political theory study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The human history is one which faces all different kinds of crises and crises tackling.Crisis is at all times integrated with the development of society. While the modern societyencompasses both opportunity and crisis, it has imbedded into the societal crisis and risk moreuncertainties, provoking public crises such as those in public, transportation and energysectors. In the meantime, others incidental factors, taking earthquake and floods for instance,are happening from time to time, which make all the crises a commonality. So within thissocial scenario, crisis and crisis management has increasingly become a worldwide focus notonly in theory but also in practice. Scientific and proper measures can be adopted to solvecrisis so as to lessen loss brought about by it, thus leading this action to a common senserealized both by theory and practice.The Chinese society is currently undergoing a change since the reform and opening upendeavor. It has crisis and opportunity. On the other hand, China is also entering an epoch inwhich crises are running high. Take for example, the SARS disease occurred in2003,Wenchuan Earthquake and the national snow damage in2008and Yushu Earthquake in2010.Government, the he main role in crisis management, takes the core position in taking care ofcrisis. In this regard, how to enhance the intergovernmental relations with respect to crisismanagement has been one of the issues we need to discuss. The content, style and role ofintergovernmental cooperation in crisis management has already been articulated in someresearches both home and abroad. The theories of foreign countries in this connection havetended to come into shape, America and Japan in particular. They even have relative crisismanagement systems. A lesson could be drawn upon by us from those counties on thesystematic running of intergovernmental crisis management.In light of the current crisis managing style our country is operating with, a great effortsand strides have been reaped, but the journey still remains many years to come. Thedeficiencies are mainly displayed by: short of relevant rules and regulations forintergovernmental cooperation; serious “game-playing” activities existed betweengovernments; lack of specialist crisis management structure; weak tax and financial basis forcooperation; governmental culture shock. Therefore, based on the successful experience ofoverseas countries and also by considering our own de facto situation, the following areas could be mentioned to optimize our intergovernmental cooperation in crisis management:1.establish the complete and comprehensive legal system for risk management;2. build up theintegrated enforcement organization for crisis management;3. use “integral government”theory to govern intergovernmental cooperation rationale;4. set up the unifiable and dividableinterrelationship between governments;5. adopt networking governmental management tofacilitate intergovernmental telecommunication and technological building.The uncertaintiesand extension of crisis has surpassed the capability of any single government in solving crisisproblems. As a result, efforts should be taken to integrate all governments to form afunctioning network. This should become the guiding concrete in guiding the erecting ofcrisis management system of our government and also be well in place in practice. The mostrecent departmental reform implemented by the Chinese government would be a proper wayin this regard.
Keywords/Search Tags:crisis, crisis management, intergovernmental relations, cooperation, network of cooperation, departmental reform implemented
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