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The Research Of China’s Household Services Industry Association

Posted on:2015-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330428468512Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Society nowadays is a pluralistic one and the government is no longer the only governing subject under this society pattern. United efforts are needed in developing society. NGO emerges based on this new management model. As the main force of this civil society, it plays an important part in social governance and developments.Excluded outside the scope of protection of the labor law and being the major industry of absorbing rural surplus labor, domestic industry has been gradually coming into the research fields of academia. Therefore domestic industry NGO (domestic industry association) is of vital importance in developing, self-disciplining, coordinating, cooperating, servicing, regulating and balancing domestic industry.Recently, domestic industry association is in the initial stage of growth and is still in a not so good situation not only from the aspects of system construction and internal governance, but the external support from government and society and the political environment. As the leader of the whole industry, the leader of member companies and domestic workers interests, domestic industry association sinks into the predicament of development because of the over heavy burden from government departments and public and the shortage of power and resourcesComplete theory of the separation of civil society in political, economic, social and public areas, laid the theoretical foundation for the emergence and development of social intermediary organizations, and ternary structure compared with the theoretical analysis in this paper apply to home as the representative of the Association of intermediary organizations a basic framework. Therefore, this paper will ternary structure theory as the theoretical platform, a detailed analysis of the inevitable development of domestic industry associations, to analyze its flaws and shortcomings, then put forward the basic trend of the development of domestic industry associations.Taking domestic industry association as the research object, ternary structure theory as the theoretical tool and literature collection, questionnaires investment, interview and qualitative and quantitative analysis as the research methods, this paper studies on the developing status and dilemma of China’s domestic industry association and gives some political recommendations and countermeasures according to the specific situation:with the solutions that combining the internal governing force (clarifying their roles and responsibilities, establishing internal organization structure and adjusting financial idea) with the external supporting force (enhancing government’s support, optimizing the related policy, setting up independent and efficient assessing and monitoring from the third party and establishing a united industry certification system), domestic industry association is supposed to working with government and companies together, explores their own way to develop domestic industry which is a sunrise one, therefore it can make great contributions to the entire civil society.
Keywords/Search Tags:NGO, Domestic Industry Association, Civil Society, Ternary Structure
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