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Study On Governance Of Urban "Group-oriented Leasing" Phenomenon

Posted on:2016-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330476954037Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beijing is not only a big city, but also has the special status of the capital. Taking Beijing as a case study urban "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon more easily finding reason of the management problem. And the experience and deficiency of Beijing management can guides small and medium-sized cities in management "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon.Through literature research, find that the current research is less on the difference between "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon management and governance. The traditional management is centralized power to manage public affairs, the governance is the government, market, society cooperation governance "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon. To provide survey questionnaire at a Beijing "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon serious community, investigate the residents and tenants both real expression on it. From the perspective of polycentricity-self governance theory analyze the reasons of Beijing management problem. Finally, proposed strategy that the government, market and society cooperate to governance.The research conclusion, Beijing "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon management lacks market and social participation; the government management concept is one of the fundamental reasons; small and medium-sized city is still extensive laissezfaire attitude to "group-oriented leasing" phenomenon. The innovation of the research,from the perspective of polycentricity-self governance analysis reasons of management problem. Distinguish between the management and governance. And put forward the experience of management “group-oriented leasing” phenomenon is significant for small and medium-sized cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:“group-oriented leasing”, polycentricity-self governance, governance countermeasure
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