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Study Analysis On Mechanism Of Community Governance In Tangshan

Posted on:2016-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330476954038Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the third plenary session of the 18 th, along with the further reform of social system, as the basic-level social management, Community has become an important channel to improve and perfect local social service system and management mechanism. With the introduction of governance theory, modern community by the original system of units, the street occupies the system to transform to the community system, needs to perfect governance mechanism for multi-interest balance in the game. With the development of Tangshan city management system reform, urban management has broken away from the “rule” inertia, especially the transition from unit neighborhood to neighborhood community system. In the form of management, organization becomes the governance structure which emphasize on cooperation, sharing, participation instead of administrative structure. Tangshan community governance mechanism has a lot of problems in the preliminary formation stage. So we put forward some suggestions for perfecting the mechanism of community governance through the analysis of the cause of the problem.First of all, the paper uses the theory of governance, civil society theory, polycentric theory and the theory of community autonomy for the study of city community governance mechanism, and then analyzes the domestic and foreign typical model of community governance to summarize its significance of city community governance mechanism. Secondly, describes the present situation of Tangshan and the present situation of community governance and community governance bodies, Then I discoverer some problems just as serious tendency of the executive, continuous conflict among Governance Subjects, less participation, low degree of development of nonprofit organizations and weak community workers’ team through analyzing of data from questionnaire and in-depth interview. And next analyzes the causes of these problems like mess organization structure, imperfect participation mechanism and security mechanism. Finally, puts forward the path of improving the community governance mechanism from three aspects. First is to improve the structure of community governance organization, to orientate community governance body, and to establish a four-wheel drive which keeps pace with each other in the organization framework; second is to strengthen the cultivation of non-profit organizations and civil society; third is to build the guarantee of scientific and incentive mechanism. Through the study of city community governance mechanism, the solution to solve the problem of Tangshan community provides for the future reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:community governance, governance mechanism, four-wheel drive
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