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Research Of Local Government Risk Management Countermeasures From The New Period

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330479497837Subject:Theory of Government Governance with Chinese Characteristics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with continuous progress of China’s social transformation period, intensified development of world multipolarization and economic globalization, various risks in society are dramatically increased. Social risks have pervaded into all aspects of public.China is experiencing the period that is analyzed by Germany sociologist Ulrich Beck,“Risk sociey”. All risks and the economic crisis and social conflicts brought by these risks have offered transitional government and social management serious chanllenges.Chinese government and citizens have a historic task which demand prompt solutions while risk society is coming, that is how to effectively deal with risks to go through risk society period.Currently, certain problems are existed in China’s risk management and current risk management patterns need to be reformed. As a government dominated society,Chinese government takes the main responsible role in traditional risk management pattern. However, modern risks have following characteristics: knowledge is crossed over, related principal parts are extensive, the consequence could be severe and resolutions are diversed. Current government’s risk management patterns should be altered and new combined trinity management system combined with government,social organization and citizens ought to be built. Then complete risk assessment legal system can be built. Constructing risk assumption system for each interest principle part is a must and a desperately demanded solution. Therefore, from the perspective of risk management, responsibilities and status among governments, social organizations and citizens should be clearified. Risks that China’s facing should be deeply analyzed.Constructing a risk management system that fits China’s socialdevelopement from theoratical and practical aspects is a necessary solution for China’s government.
Keywords/Search Tags:risk, risk management, risk society
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