The concept of stock management risk has difference between broad sense and narrow sense. The narrow sense concept is a loss because stock firm wrong grasps to change of market and wrong plan or operation. It's the investment risk faced by stock firm at affair of investment. The study of this article aims at this narrow sense, that is stock investment risk.The keep of stock investment risk requests that it can be controlled at the frondose operating tache when stock firm invests stock. Aim at this require, this article builds a system of keeping risk at four operating taches of stock investment. That system prescribes the method and standard about average operating tache and builds four secure strobes for investment risk control. At the same time, that system supervises and pledges works of investment risk control to all four operating taches by building corresponding inner controlling system. And that system builds a tache of adjusting and feeding back the change of market, in order to becomes the system to a closed loop and that closed loop can buildup the function of ego adjust and perfect.The key of investment risk control is the nicety measure to the risk faced. The article confirms a basic standard to investment risk measure from the basic concept about investment risk. This standard put a criterion for the comparing among all kinds of theory of risk measure. At the base of analyzing existing measure theory and practice instance of stock market in china, this article brings forward a method for measure investment risk basis FAM model. This method is a new risk measure theory of combine finance with statistic, and it overcomes the shortcoming that other measure theory uses statistic method simply.The core of investment risk control is the forecasting and control to stock investment risk. At the base of method of risk measure basis FAM model, this article brings forward a risk control tactic aim at four operating taches of stock investment. The risk checking index of new risk measure index can measure investment risk at a frondose time, so it can take a occupy to keep risk about opportunity choosing and variety choosing. And the primary risk index of new risk measure index can measure investment risk some a time, so it can take a occupy to keep system risk and no-system risk. At the last, this article takes a check for validity of new risk control method by practice daily incoming data of 213 stocks that come into the market at ShenZhen stock market. |