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The Current Status And Influencing Factor Analysis Of College Students’ Mobile Learning

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422483571Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularization of interconnection technique and mobile equipment,mobile learning has given all learners a whole new experience of studying andmeanwhile has drawn widespread attention from the educational circles that believethe mobile learning is an indispensable learning style of great prospect in future.However, what essential in the implementation of mobile learning are what learners’attitude is toward the mobile learning, how the mobile learning is carried out and whatfactors may have impact on learners’ progression with the mobile learning. Given this,the paper has conducted an analysis on the current status of college students’ mobilelearning as well as its influence factors.According to the systematical conclusion of relevant studies on the mobilelearning at home and abroad as well as reflections on this, TAM-based mobilelearning for college students has been proposed; and in line with the analysis andsummary of the four variables affecting college students’ mobile learning (namely:factor of the learner in mobile learning, information resource, communication mediaand learning environment), questionnaires about the current status of mobile learningof college students and their usage intention have been designed. The present situationof college students’ mobile learning has been comprehended in accordance with thefindings analysis and conclusion based on essential features of the survey respondents.The TAM-based mobile learning for college students has been verified after thestatistic analysis on survey data by the use of SPSS18.0.The findings suggest that college students`perceived usefulness and perceivedease of use are remarkably affected by factor of the learner in mobile learning,information resource, communication media and learning environment, which alsoexert an indirect influence on the students`adoption attitude and actual using behavior.The findings provide a basis for the optimizing and design of college students`mobilelearning from an empirical perspective.In the end, the paper argues that raising students`enthusiasm of learning,exploiting enormous mobile learning resources with propagation effect and high value,and rendering services for more college students in the resource sharing way lead to a better implementation of students`mobile learning activities. In addition, thegovernment and universities should expand investment toward soft and hardwareresources, set up scientific and secure platform and reasonably deploy mobileequipment of mobile learning to stimulate more participation of college students inthe mobile learning process. Furthermore, improving resource utilization and runningscientific evaluation and comprehensive management will further promote thesustainable development of mobile learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile learning, influence factors, technology acceptance model(TAM)
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