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Research On The Cultivation Of Students’ Problem Consciousness Through Question Forms Among Rural Middle Schools

Posted on:2016-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470461616Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem consciousness of rural students is increasingly weakened,which directly leads to a lot of waste of education resources.Therefore, seeking for an education method which is simple, reliable;and improving the level of present rural education are imminent. In my own teaching practice I use problem forms.And then through the comparative analysis,I found that most of the students’ problem consciousness is very weak. Some of them don’t know what to ask. Some don’t know how to ask.And some ask a plenty of questions but receive no final conclusion. In reaction to the phenomenon,we are committed to helping students find and solve problems. Question form can concreate the process of students’ thinking and learning.It can also make more complex problems effectively decomposed. By solving those easy problems, students can reach the goal of solving more complex problems.In this way,it can improve student’s problem consciousness and problem solving skills.This paper will be divided into the following several parts: the first part is introduction, which mainly illuminates the research background, purpose, significance, related research progress home and abroad and the research methods of this article; The second part is the basic theory research; The third part is the design and manufacture of question form, main production principles and methods; The fourth part is case study analysis. Because chemistry knowledge is trivial and complex, this part carries on the classification of production template; The fifth part aims to develop a strategy discussion. Questions forms can guide the problem consciousness of students in passive thinking,which will inspire people to carry on continuous active thinking later. From passive to thinking active thinking.We can achieve the purpose of improving students’ problem consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:problem form, Problem consciousness, The rural middle school education
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